Chapter : 13 he's inlove

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~~jack bryle POV~~

I'm here right now on my office I'm resting while laying on my chair..I've been thinking of her everyday..I always wanted to see her and see her beautiful smile.
   Even,we've been out together in a month I think we destiny to each other  I know that when our first meet it was not good because,of my attitude and because,of what I said on her.but,now I am fully sure that I wanted her to be mine.

"I think I'm totally in love on her..!!" I said while laying on my chair and smiling.

I know that she need someone that can be with her forever...even,I'm sad for what happened to her family and for what her auntie and couzins did to her..but,I'm totally happy for her because,she's so strong woman because,she handle her relation problem with her aunt.
   And because,of her sacrifice she became a professional teacher and I'm happy to know that..even, its  almost a month that we've been out..she trusted me and I trusted her to share our secrets and problems..and because,of that I am totally desperate to be mine..and no one cant stop me.
  Because,being happy to be with her and being wanted to her to be safe is a  my sign that finally I'm super in love with her and no one can be number one not even my ex girlfriend..because,miara and my ex girlfriend is different..
   Because,I'm deeply in love in miara than to my ex..

"I think I'm gonna court her!!" I said while can't stop smiling.

After that long thinking of myself I decide to go home early..and then I got up and stand then,get my coat,my bag and walk to went out my office.
   And then I take on the elevator after that I've been arrived on the parking lot and went inside my car and I started to drove my car to go home on my condo.




(A/N: next update ulit guys..kumusta na kaya si miara...kung kailan naman na in love na si bryle tsaka naman lumala na yong sakit miara..abangan nalang natin guys ang story nila sa mga susunod na I hope you all enjoy my story..tnx)

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