Chapter:28 accidentally meet

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~~Celine POV~~

Im here right now inside on the dress boutique to buy some dress..I'm so mad because,bryle not answering my call or even not reply on my text.
I wanted to see him but,he's gonna be mad if I came to his place I'm so annoyed.

"Arrrghh!! I'm so stress!!!" I murmured.

When I'm busy looking on the dress then,someone next on me looking on the dress also but,she's looking for a pregnant dress and when I look up I saw definitely who she is and shes makes me really mad so I've stop for what I've been doing and face her while crossing my wrist like a boss and talk to her.

"Hi!!!" I said.

"Hello" she answered.

"So your the wife of jack bryle am I right???" I said directly.

"Yes!!! How did you know my husband???" She asked.

"Uhm..!! His friend" I said.

"Oooh!!! Really!!? What's your name???" She asked.

"I'm Celine...and your miara right???" I asked.

"Uhm..!! Yeah!! How did you know my name" she asked.

"As I said I'm your husband friend!!" I answered while foker face.

"Yeah!! Right!!! Sorry I've forgot!!" She said.

"Its your pregnant!!! How nice congratulation how months it is???.." I asked.

"Yeah!! Thanks..uhm..7 months..!!" Sh answered.

So its time to make a move it revenge time I'm gonna tell her whos jack on my life.

"Uhm!!I wanted to be honest to you..!! Ahhh!! Its hard to say..uhm!!" I acted.

"What is it??? Tell me???" She asked.

"Uhm..okay..actually,I'm your husband ex..!!" I said directly.

When she heard what I've said she's been silence for a seconds and then she talk again.

"Ah!! Okay!!!" She said so I've got mad for what she's reaction.

"Hahahaha!!! So know what bryle love me so much when we've been together and weve been sex everyday..!! he's so yummy,hot and good performance..!!but,because I've go to the states so we broke up and she meet you..!!" I said.

"So what??? I don't care about the past to the both you...the important now is I'm his wife and he's my husband..!! So I don't need to worry..!! Plus were getting have a baby!!" She said.

"Hell I care..!! Do you know what's the most I love to bryle!!his big and long penis and his very impressive performance on the bed..roarrr" I said then whispering on her ear.

"Hahahaha!!! Yeah!! Your right I love his performance and penis..and you know what!! he told me about you he said..your not good on the bed in short your kinda sad!!" She said then smirk.

When I heard what she said I've shouted so everyone looking at me I feel so embarrassed so I walk out then I turned around again and shouted to her.

"This is not the end I will stole him to you so you better ready bitch!!" I shouted then walk out but,I heard her response.

"I will wait for you my dear..!! You can't stole him to me because,he didn't love you..your the one who need to be ready..asshole bitch..!!" She shouted.

When I heared what she's shouted I'm so mad but I need to controlled my self so I continued to walk away outside on the dress boutique.




(A/N: sorry for a short updates.and sorry for my wrong grammar and typos.I will try to fix it.see you in next updates..)

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