Chapter:26 Good News

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~~Jack Bryle POV~~

I'm here at the office now I'm not in the mood right now because,Celine keep calling and text me.I wish my wife is here.because,she's my reliever.and now Celine still keep calling.

"Argghh!! Hell ya!!She's so annoying!!" I said then I lay my head on my chair and I massage my forehead.

When she realized that i did not answering her call and not even reply on her text so she's the one who's I just relax myself so that I don't get mad.

..a few moments later..

When I'm in the middle of my sleep then someone calling me so I thought its Celine again so I didn't answer but,its calling again my cellphone keeps ring so I annoyed and i open my eyes but,when I see who's calling on my cellphone I answered it immediately while smiling.

"Hello hon???" I said.

"Bakit ang tagal mong sumagot hah!!?" She said in a mad voice.

"Uhm..! I'm sorry hon I thought someones calling me so I didn't answer.!!" I explained.

"Bakit did you expect someone else calling???" She asked.

"No!! Does not what I mean!!" I said.

"So what the exactly the truth???" She asked.

"Umm!! The truth is why are you call???" I said.

"Why? Am I not allowed to call you hah???!" She said in a mad voice.

"Of course your allowed to do that because,your my wife and I'm your husband..why are you mad hon..its there something wrong??? Tell Me??" I asked.

"Nothings wrong..!!" She said.

"Then why are you mad at me???" I asked.

"I'm not mad..!! I just want to tell you that I have a good news!!" She said in a calm voice.

"Really? What is it??" I asked while smiling.

"Uhmmm!! Don't be shocked okay!!" She said.

"I'm not just tell me what is it..I'm excited???" I asked.

"Uhmmm!! I'm pregnant..!! Your going to be a daddy soon..!!" She said in a happy voice.


"Hello hon?? Are you still there??! Honnnn!!" She shouted.

When I heard what she said everything is stopped I'm so shocked I think all what she said are there getting in echo.when,suddenly I realized that she's talking so I answered her.

"Hello hon..sorry if I didn't talk.!!" I said while my eyes are full of tears so I wipe it.

"Are you okay???" She asked.

"Yes!! I'm so very okay..I'm just so happy and not expected for what I've heard!!" I said.

"Hehehe!! I'm happy too finally we become a real family..!!" She said while giggled.

"Yeah!!! Maybe I'm gonna go home right now..I'm so tired today and also I wanted to talk our baby in your womb!!" I said then get up on my chair.

"Are you sure??" She asked.

"Of course very sure hon..I'll see you there okay!!" I said.

"Okay!!! I love you hon take care in your ride." She said.

"I love you too hon..Yeah!! I will.bye..!!" I said then I end the call.

After my conversation with my wife I get my suit and my office bag then I went out of my office and say bye to my secretary and to my employee I also say that all of them go home early so there all happy for what I've because it's there first to hear I walked towards on the elevator.

...after 2 hours..

Finally I'm in the condominium take an elevator and went inside on the condo and closed the door i went inside in the bedroom and I see her sleeping peacefully on the bed i smiled and I near her then kissed her cheek then I'll cover her in the blanket in half body only.and I undress my all  clothes and also my brief and go to the shower.

..a few moments later..

I cover my naked sensitive part of my body of the towel then near her and I wake up her and she awake.
I kissed her and she response we kissed  passionately and she's kinda wild now.




(A/N: oooopsss!! Bitin sila oh..sorry for a cut science maybe I'll try next chapters there wildness sex and of course her illness will be show in soon..sorry for my wrong grammars and typos u know I'm not good.I'll try my,see you in next updates guys!! Bye!!)

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