Chapter II

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Y/n pov

Eight years back

Hiccup is really supportive when I'm sad, he always tries to make me happy by doing the most silliest things. We left to his room, he was drawing me again for practice. After about ten minutes he handed be the drawing, it was amazing, like always. Before I could compliment his work he spoke,
"This is the Y/n I know, she is tough, and she can get through anything." He smiles and taps the drawing gesturing that this is the real me. I smiled,
"See there's that happy smile we all love!" He says standing up grabbing my hand, I stood up with him and I blushed a little.
"Thank you Hiccup." I smile shyly.
"Your welcome, oh and sorry." He says.
"For what?" I giggle.
"For hitting you with a pillow." He says.
"When did you hit me with a-" Before I could finish my sentence a pillow came souring into my face. Hiccup was laughing at me so I grabbed another pillow on his bed.

"This means war!" I joke.
"Oh yeah, come and get me little girl." He says with his pillow ready to attack.
"Don't underestimate me." I squint my eyes.
"Then prove me wrong." He squints back.
We had a massive pillow fight and I ended up kicking his butt,
He was on the bed tired,
"Are you okay?" I giggle.
"N-No." He sighs.
"What? Did I hurt you?" I ask.
"Nah I'm just messing with you." He says grabbing my hand pulling me down onto the bed next to him.
I laughed and faced him,
"You we're right, I'll never underestimate you again!" He giggles.
We we're laughing then Stoick walked in,
"Hey what are you kids up to?" He asks.
"Well Chief I just kicked your sons butt." I joke.
"Hey! Don't embarrass me." Hiccup punches my shoulder playfully.
"Oops-" I shrug.
"Wow Hiccup, Y/n can defeat you." Stoick laughs.

We laughed more,
"Well the reason I came up here was to talk to you Y/n." He sighs.
"Oh okay, I'll be back." I say looking at Hiccup.
Hiccup and I gave eachother a look, we knew this wasn't good. Whatever it is he wants to tell me, it's horrible. I can tell with the way he asked to talk to me.
I followed Hiccup's dad outside to the front of the hut,
"Sweetie, remember what I told you this morning?" He asks.
"Y-Yeah." I sigh.
He paused like if he had a knot in his throat,
"Y/n you are like the daughter I never had, and on top of that your my sons best friend. It is a pain for me to say this but-" He paused again looking down at me sadly.
"What is it Cheif?" I ask.
"The King and Queen of Pameabrug have choosen to adopt you, they already filled out the forms, and are expecting your arrival by the end of this week." He says. I literally felt my heart fall to the ground,
"But I don't want to leave Berk Cheif." I say tearing up.
"I know sweetheart, this is hard for me too." He says kneeling down to hug me,
"No, I can't leave you or Hiccup." I cry in his chest.
"Everything will be okay, I promise." He says rubbing my head.

I went back upstairs to Hiccup's room with my eyes draining every drop of tears, he was at his desk drawing more pictures of me,
"What happened Y/n?" Hiccup asks concerned running up to me as soon as he saw me at the doorway,
"They're adopting me Hiccup, the couple from Pameaburg." I cry.
"What!? No! This is not happening, I'll talk to my dad your not leaving-" I cut him off,
"It's final Hiccup. There's nothing you or I could do." I cried more.
"B-But you can't leave me-" He tears up.
"I'm going to really miss you." I cry.
"I'm going to really miss you too Y/n." He says hugging me tightly.
"I'm leaving on a ship in three days." I sighed.
"Then we will make it the best three days ever! I broke a promise, I'm so sorry Y/n." He cries.
"It's okay Hiccup, it's not your fault." I cry.

Later on that day we tried to be happy, but how could you be happy around someone you love when you know you'll be separated with them soon. At night we went to our underground bunkers, everyone who was not fighting the dragons hid down here. Dragons attack us often, usually Hiccup and I would still try to be in a cheerful mood. Even though they're is a huge fight going on above us, but this time we were still disappointed,
"I can't believe you have to leave." Hiccup sighs.
"I know, I can't either." I say tearing up for the one hundredth time today.
"Promise me something Y/n." He says seriously.
I nodded my head and leaned closer to him,
"Promise me, no matter how busy you are with your new life in Pameaburg, you'll never forget about me." He says.
"I promise, Hiccup how could I forget you? We've been best friends our whole lives." I smiled softly and put my pinkie out,
But instead he hugged me tight,
"Promise hug." He giggles.
All of a sudden their was three huge explosions, and a loud groaning dragon noise. Everyone in the bunker got scared and held their loved ones.
"Those poor animals." I sigh sadly.
"You think those monsters are poor animals?" He asks shocked.
I nodded my head,

"Listen to them, fighting for their lives, and protecting themselves." I say.
"But they choose to attack us-" He says confused.
"Think of it this way, they're only animals trying to survive. Maybe they fight to protect they're young. I think that we could be friends with them, they're could be a way. We don't have to fight, violence is not the answer. But my dream is to fly on the back of one, some day." I sigh.

Hiccup looked like he was deeply thinking,
"I know it's silly, who would want to ride a dragon." I sighed.
"No no, that's an amazing dream. I just never thought of it that way, you made a good point." He smiles.
"Oh." I giggle.
"One day I'll have my own dragon, and I'll give you your dream ride." He blushes.
"Promise?" I ask happy.
"Promise." He replies wrapping his pinkie around mine.
Then I hugged him tightly,
"Promise hug." I blush.
He giggled and hugged me back.
It hurts to think that might never happen, I believe Hiccup will make a difference. Maybe even end this fight between dragons and man. But it's nice to hope, one day we'll meet again.

To be continued...

𝘿𝙖𝙬𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 / 𝙃𝙞𝙘𝙘𝙪𝙥 𝙃𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now