Chapter XXV

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Y/n pov

The day Y/n met Hans, continued...

"Where do you originate from? Since your a viking by blood." He asks as we walked through the garden,
"An island, far away from here." I sigh.
"You are very blessed for your adoption." He says stopping and looking at this flower,
"Pardon?" I ask.
"I've seen vikings, there nothing but foul, crummy, disgusting creatures." He sighs.
"Why do you say that?" I ask trying not to show I'm triggered by his comments.
"You've seen them, they have filthy clothing, lacking teeth, and destitute traditional thing." He says.
I felt deeply offended,
"Well at least your nothing like them." He says.
Ugh fucken jerk.
"Well here are the carnations." I say.
"They're marvelous." He says.
"Indeed." I say.
"Do you wish to marry?" He asks.
"It's my duty to the kingdom." I reply.
"Well that's the ideal response." He says.
He means that's what my answer should be, kinda rude.
"How aged are you?" I ask changing the subject,
"Twenty years." He responds.
Hiccup is turning twenty this year,
"Well our marriage will sure unite our two kingdoms as one." I sigh.
"As it should." He says.

Then when we got to the gardens sculptures, we entered the hall.
"I would assume your pure?" He asks.
He's asking if im a virgin,
This conversation just got so uncomfortable.
"Of course, saved for marriage." I say.
"Good, I enjoy a pure woman." He says cresting my arm.
"Hans, if you may remove your hand please-" I say glaring at him,
"Why? Your to be my future lover." He says.
Then he used his pointer finger to crest my cheek,
"Let's get one thing clear-" He says pushing me back till I hit the stone wall,
I was caught off guard by his forceful cold touch, my heart slowly started racing.
He then slapped me, and he used both his hands to hold me down against the wall,
"You are not to demand me to remove my hand or anything off of you. Your supposed to be my intimate partner, act like it." He says in my face, his tone is like a threat,
"Right my apologies." I say trying to not tear up from the sensation on my face, I would have said anything to get Hans off me in that moment. He let me go and continued to walk like nothing happened,
I followed,
"Y/n, I do not wish to hurt you. But I warn you now. Do not get me on my bad side." He says.
I rubbed my cheek,
"Answer me when I speak to you." He says grabbing my arm again,
"Yes Hans I understand." I say quickly.
"Splendid." He says letting go.

Our wedding was in a month, for planning of the church, and party. While we waited for the wedding, Hans and his parents stayed in our castle. My parents thought it would be nice for Hans and I to already share a room together. But from the first night they stayed Hans raped me. He beat me, threatened to kill me, and the worst part was there was no way out. When I talked to my adopted parents about it they made it clear that a man has more power over me than anyone. No one could help. I thought I knew everything about being the perfect princess, but I didn't know how little control a woman has under a mans shadow. Berk and Pameaburg are two completely different worlds. In this world, woman were raped, beat, and objects. I only had my maid, she would listen to my venting. Her name is Jessica. But venting didn't help how it felt every night getting beat. I had to cover my scars and bruises. To him I was stubborn and I lied when I said I understood his warning.

Months later, before Y/n ran away...

At night was the worst part of the day, I knew what was coming every night.
"Get off me!" I yell.
"Stop being squirmy!" He yelled then punched me in my face. I started to cry hopelessly and he continued to rape me. Pushing was useless, he's too strong for me. Once he was satisfied he got out of bed and put his pants on and sighs frustratedly. I put on my panties as well. I watched him walk over to the door, he locked it,
"Hans- what are you doing?" I ask.
"Stand up." He says walking back to the bed,
"Why?" I ask scooting further away from him,
"Come here now!" He yelled and grabbed my legs.
He made me stand up,
"I'm tired of you not letting me use you." He says grabbing my arm.
"You don't own me." I say seriously.
He pushed me onto the floor, then he went to the dresser. I was busy standing up but he came back and held a knife to my neck,
"What are you doing?" I ask scared.
"You should listen to your king more." He says cutting my stomach,
I screamed in pain loudly, and he covered my mouth.
"I will carve my name onto you so every time you look at yourself you know your my property!" He yells then throws me on the floor.

I scooted away and tried to get to the door, my blood is everywhere,
"You think were done here!" He yells following me,
Then he throws the knife to the side and get on top of me,
"Please Hans-" I cry.
But he continued to beat me, the punches hurt so bad. He knocked me out, I cant remember anything after that. Just little parts after, he raped me again after that while I was barely awake. He enjoys me suffering while he rapes me. The next morning I woke up early,
My head pounding, eyes heavy, and pain where Hans cut me. I stood up and walked to my mirror, he gave me bruises. My nose has dry blood coming out both nostrils. My lip has a huge cut on it. There was a bandage wrapped around my stomach. Wow he cared enough to at least cover my cut. Our wedding is in two weeks. I can't take it anymore, I'll end up dead if I stay here. I'll be stuck for life if I marry him. My only option is running, once I run there is no turning back. Tonight I'll leave. But how? As I cleaned myself up, Jessica came to help me wash myself up. Even she couldn't believe how I looked, but I told her how badly I wanted to run from my responsibilities. She couldn't bare to see me this way anymore. Jessica made a plan for me to escape. She is going to help me through the survents wing exit and to get past the guards she plans on hiding me in a leaving carriage with her husband as the driver.

What happened last night was the worst thing he's ever done to me, it will only get worse from here. The only question was, where would I go? Berk is my only option, but I wish I thought about the consequences of leaving my soon to be kingdom. Also the consequences of returning to Berk. The plan was set, everything was perfect, the only thing left was for me to get through the abuse one last time. Every time he raped me it felt like a knife stabbing me. But of course he didn't care if I was in pain, because he liked it. Hans beat me once again, when he was finished and fell asleep. I went to the wash room and spit out all the blood coming from my mouth. My nervousness was filling me up, I looked at myself in the mirror, bleeding, bruised, unhappy. Looking at myself gave me to strength to go through with the plan. So I got dressed, put on a cape, and quietly snuck out the room. Closing the door behind me. I did as Jessica said and snuck to the servants wing on the bottom floor. There's an exit there, where they get shipments of products. She was there waiting for me,
"Princess, you made it." Jessica smiles.
"Yes, I cannot begin to thank you for everything you've done for me." I say tearing up, Jessica has been my only family for years.
"I've took care of you basically your whole life, not once have I seen you happy. Please Y/n, find happiness in Berk. Find him." She smiles, tearing up also. By him, she means Hiccup.
"Jessica, I promise I'll be okay. When I am happy, it'll be because you helped me." I say giving her a huge hug. We embraced each other for a moment-
"Now go, get out of here. Be safe and careful, there's a boat leaving to Berk in ten minutes, hurry." She says letting me go.
"Thank you so much Jessica." I say smiling walking away.
She smiled and waved then I got into the back of the carriage, into this small compartment. Her husband took me to the docks, when we arrived I thanked him then quickly got on the ship. I hid my identity with a cape. This is it, I'm escaping. I felt extremely relieved.

𝘿𝙖𝙬𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 / 𝙃𝙞𝙘𝙘𝙪𝙥 𝙃𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now