Chapter XXVI

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Y/n pov

The next morning Luna and I flew to the dragons academy. Since yesterday we didn't get to practice the gliding, today we decided to try it again. After a long morning of practicing, it was time for lunch. Heather and I eat lunch together at least once a week so we met up at the haul, Luna left to eat with Toothless. I saw Heather eating at a table, she looked up at saw me.
"Hey!" She yells.
"Hey, wow you got me lunch." I smile.
"Well I decided being kind today." She smirks.
"Thanks." I giggle and sit down.
"Hey I thought Hiccup and you kissed, why is Astrid all over him?" Heather asks gesturing over to them.
I peeked a little and saw them,
"He still has his duty to the village, I loved the kiss but maybe it was a mistake." I sigh.
"Ugh it's unfair-" She groans.
"Yeah-" I mumble.
I peaked over again and saw them doing couples shit, like pecks on the lips. It made me disappointed, he said he'd try for us. But maybe its impossible, I tried not to think about it too much.
"- so yeah I don't know what to do about it, I like him but- Y/n are you listening?" Heather asks.
Shit I was distracted thinking about Hiccup while she was talking,
"I'm sorry Heather my minds a mess I wasn't listening." I sigh.
"Its okay I understand, I have to go to work now, I'll tell you about it later when your not distracted." She says.
"Yeah, I want to hear about it, I'll walk you out the building. " I smile.
"Okay let's go." She says.
When we got up I saw Hiccup and Astrid were gone-

Hiccup's pov

Its hard not being able to go and sit with Y/n, Astrid kept continuing to try to make her jealous. Which now I know she probably is, but I have to act like I like her back. I tried to get away so Y/n wouldn't have to see us.
"Let's go outside." I say.
"Uhm yeah no." She says.
"Please, I need fresh air " I say.
"Fine." She groans and we go outside.
Then I leaned on the wall,
"Are you okay baby?" She asks.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask.
"Ever since the fight with my brother you've been acting strange." She says.
"Nothings going on-" I lie.
"Well Asher is leaving tomorrow, I'm mad he chose to leave." She rolls her eyes.
"Why?" I ask.
"Now Y/n won't be distracted with him." She sighs frustrated.
"I thought you hated them together?" I ask confused.
"Well now she'll be obsessed with you again." She says.
"Oh-" I kinda smile.
Now Asher is out my way since he's leaving Berk,
"Well we didn't come out here for nothing." She says leaning in,
I wanted to reject it but I couldn't,
She kissed me and we started making out,
Then I heared footsteps coming out the haul, I pulled away and saw Y/n and her friend. She looked so disappointed, I felt ashamed in myself. I shouldn't be letting her kiss me when now Y/n and I know how we feel for each other. Her friend said something to Y/n, then Y/n got onto Luna and flew away.
"What's her deal?" Astrid asks.
"I-I don't know." I say.
Her friend gave me a look then walked away,
"I have to follow her-" I say slightly pushing Astrid off me,
"What!? Why?!" She yells.
"She's my friend Astrid, I care about her-" before she could answer I got onto Toothless and flew away quickly following her.

I saw her land at the waterfall, she's going to our spot. Toothless landed next to Luna who was outside the cave, she had a worried look. When I landed I got off Toothless then entered the cave. I heard her talking to herself, then I saw her sitting at a rock as I got closer. I couldn't help but listen,
"I can't love him- he's with her. He has to marry her, he's practically engaged-" She sighs.
"Then what did our kiss mean?" She groans.
"He said we'll make it work, but how can this work? There's no way." She sighs again.
I came in and she jumped when she saw me,
"I am trying Y/n, I want to be with you." I say.
"You were listening to me?" She gasps.

"Well yes, I'm sorry I just feel so terrible for continuing on acting like I have feelings for Astrid when I don't. I ditched her and had to come follow you." I sigh.

Y/n pov

I felt tears falling down my cheeks but I tried so hard to hold them in,
"This is impossible." I sigh.
"What do you mean?" He asks coming closer.
"Us, you and I- we're not supposed to be together." I say backing away.
"I will end my engagement, no matter what it takes." He says.
"That's what I'm afraid of, us being together one of us will pay a price." I cry.
"I don't care, we are meant to be together." He says wiping my tears with his thumbs.
"You know Astrid won't let you go-" I snuffle.
"Everything negative is just another reason we should be together." He says.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Think about it, we will stand out- make a difference." He says grabbing my hands.
"How?" I ask.
"By showing everyone that no matter what, love is the most important thing." He says.
"It'll be in history books." I chuckle.
"Exactly! We'll go down in history, at schools they'll talk all about Y/n and Hiccup the ones who changed love forever." He says putting his arm up to the sky then slowly putting it down to the side.
I giggled,
"We'll show them what true love is." He blushes,
"True love." I smile.
"Our true love, I love you Y/n." Hiccup says smiling.
"I love you Hiccup." I smile.

He gave me that dorky smile,
Then he pulled me closer and kissed me. Our kiss got deeper and passionate, there's nothing more amazing than this feeling when he kisses me. But I heared a noise and pulled away, Astrid was standing right there glaring at me.
"Are you fucken serious?!" Astrid pulled Hiccup's arm making him go to her,
"You followed her just to make out with this whore!" She yells at Hiccup,
He pulled his arm back and glared at her,
"Then you- first my brother and now my fiancé! Is Asher not enough for you or is no man good enough unless it's my man?!" Astrid yells at me cutting off Hiccup.
"Asher is a good guy I-" She cuts me off too,
"I should have made your life a living hell the minute you stepped on this island, do you not remember the night before you left, you have the scar." She says grabbing my wrist facing it up so Hiccup could see.
I pulled my arm back and Hiccup pulled Astrid away from me,
"Stop Astrid." Hiccup says seriously.
"You know what Y/n, why don't you tell Hiccup the real reason you left Pameaburg!" She yells.
How the hell does she know? It can't be, she's bluffing.
"I don't know what your talking about." I say.
"Oh don't lie, let's tell Hiccup about Hans." She smirks.
Holy shit, she knows.

Comment and let me know how your liking the story so far :) I love to hear feedback

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