Chapter XXVII

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Y/n pov

It's unbelievable, I've tried so hard not to expose the truth of why I left Pameaburg. Astrid knows, and something tells me she's been knowing waiting for the right moment to throw the bomb at me,
"Y/n what is she talking about?" Hiccup asks confused,
I didn't say anything, I froze.
"Hiccup-" I get cut off,
"Tell Hiccup why you left Pameaburg!" Astrid yells.
I sighed and looked down,
"Fine, I'll gladly tell him then, Y/n had an arranged marriage back home to a man named Hans." Astrid smirks.
Hiccup looks at me, he couldn't believe it,
"But she was trapped in a marriage with a man she didn't love, so she ran away back here!" Astrid laughs.
"You don't know what really happened!" I yell.
"And I don't care, all I care about is that you ran away from your arranged marriage then came here to ruin mine!" She yells.
"That's not why I came here!" I argue.
"Ugh come on Hiccup we're leaving." She scoffs and started walking out,
Hiccup still looking at me with these sad eyes,
"Hiccup please let me explain." I beg.
He sighed and nodded his head,
"Meet me here tonight." He whispers then follows Astrid outside,
She must talk so much shit about me to him, on purpose. I sighed and layed down on the ground, then I dozed off.

In a short second I wake up to the soothing voice of Hiccup,
"Y/n-" He whispers.
I open my eyes and yawn, crap I fell asleep.
"Hiccup!" I jump and sit up quickly.
"Have you been here all day?" He giggles.
"I must have fallen asleep." I smile.
"Oh I'm sorry I should have stayed with you instead of leaving with Astrid." He sighs and sits down next to me,
"It's okay, I get it." I sigh.
"I feel bad about her yelling and ruining our moment." He groans and puts his hands on his face,
I grabbed his hands and slightly pulled them off his face,
"I need to explain myself to you about what happened." I say.
"Y/n I respect you and your privacy, if you don't want to I understand. But honestly it has been itching in the back of my head all day, Astrid wouldn't shut up about me needing to be loyal to her." He says holding my hands,
"I need to tell you, I've been lying to you since day one. No more secrets between us." I say.
"Okay, whenever your ready-" He says facing me while holding my hands firmly,
I took a deep breath,
"In Pameaburg, obviously you know my adopted parents were the king and queen. At age eighteen I would have to be married by a suitor, his name is Hans-" I sigh, another big breath.
Hiccup crested my cheek and gave me a comforting thumb rub on my hands,

"The first day I met him he pushed me into a wall and held me down, from there on it just got worse and worse. He made me do things I didn't want to do, he'd hurt me, physically and mentally. For months he raped me till he was satisfied enough. I have scars on my body, I'd have to cover bruises with makeup. It was so hard-" I say tearing up,
He looked sad too, Hiccup wraps his arm around me,
"This is my worse scar." I say pulling up my leather padding and showing him the last cut he ever gave me,
Hiccup touched the scar and pulled down my padding,
"I couldn't live another day this way, so I ran away two weeks before our wedding. I knew if I married him, I'd be stuck with him the rest of my life. I did what I had to do." I sigh.

"I don't know what to say, Y/n that's horrible. I'm so sorry." He says wiping my tears,
"You have nothing to apologize for, it's the past now. I'm glad I left." I sigh.
"Why didn't you ever tell anyone?" He asks.
"In Pameaburg, our ways are different, women are objects to men. In my case, to Hans I am a sexual partner just for pleasure. Telling someone was pointless they'd say that's my job to do whatever the man above me wants." I say.
"That's bullshit." He says madly.
I nodded my head,
"Does he know where you ran away to?" He asks.
"No I never told him about Berk, all he knew was I am by blood, a viking. But I'm scared Hiccup, how does Astrid know?!" I say.
"I have no idea how she knows, but she can't tell him where you are." He says.
"If he finds me he'll kill me-" I say fearfully.
"No that fucker will never find you, you don't have to ever worry about him again. I won't let him ever touch you again." Hiccup says holding my cheek,
"Thank you Hiccup." I smile.
"I'm going to protect you, no matter what." He smiles.
"I love you Hiccup, so much." I say,
"I love you Y/n, more than you'll ever know." He says giving me a kiss,
"I'm so happy I finally can tell you."I smile.
"I understand why you hid it from everyone, I would have done the same. You can trust me with anything Y/n." He says.
"I know, I've always trusted you. But this was different, I'm really happy you understand." I say giving him more kisses,
"Come sleep at my hut tonight, please?" He asks giving me puppy eyes.

"Mm I don't know my roommate will be very lonely." I say sarcastically.
"She won't mind one night!" He giggles.
"I'm kidding, of course I'll come over." I smile.
"Yes! Let's go!" He says standing up and forcing me up with all his strength. We walk to his hut goofing around like always. It's nice to just laugh instead of talking about serious things like our arranged marriages. When we got to his hut we walked inside then into his room,
There was way more drawings of me and Toothless with Luna,
"How do you have the time for all these?" I say looking at them all,
"I started trying to draw two a day, sometimes I do more than two." He smiles.
"Astrid doesn't get mad?" I ask.
"She never comes in here." Hiccup shrugs.
"How can you stand dating her?" I giggle.
"Its really hard trying to act." He sighs.
"So, what's the plan?" I ask.
"I've been nervous all day to tell my dad I am in love with you, you know what, I'm going to tell him right now." He says walking out.

I followed him out the room,
"Hiccup-" I sigh.
Before he exit the hut he stopped and turned to me, then he hugged me. I looked up at him and he kissed me gently.
"For us, and our future." He smiles.
I grabbed his hands,
"Good luck." I smile.
"I don't need luck, I need your love." He says giving me that dorky smile.
I blush and he kisses my cheek,
"Your cute when you blush." He giggles.
"Shut up!" I say covering my face.
He laughed and took my hands off my face,
"Make yourself at home, go to sleep. I know your tired." He says.
"I'll be waiting for you." I smile.
Hiccup gave me a final kiss and he left.
I would go with him but I know how Stoick is when Hiccup doesn't follow his way. I'm the last person he'd want to see.

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