Chapter VI

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Y/n pov

Hiccup and I got too distracted talking, we forgot about going to see Stoick. We drank Meal like we used to do every day when we we're kids. It's like a dream come true to be sitting here with him again. He told me everything thats been going on while I was gone,

"-Then toothless saved my life, but when I woke up I was confused. I didn't know what had happened yet. But when I moved my bed sheets up from bed, my foot was gone, and this stupid leg was there instead. When I got out my room I saw dragons and people walking around. I was so happy for what I had done, changing our ways." He smiles.
"Wow, that's an amazing story. I need to meet toothless!" I squealed.
"You will soon, right now my friend has him for training. But I still can't believe it happened all because of a little girl I made a promise too years ago." He smiles again with that dorky smile.
"Aww, Hiccup-" I blushed kinda.
He rubbed his neck nervously,
"Stop being cheesy." I playfully punched his shoulder.
We laughed and finished our drinks,
"Wait, shouldn't we be seeing your dad right now?" I giggle.
"Oh shit, yeah." He laughs.
"I was about to ask to hear the story about your mom, but that can wait." I smile.
"Yeah, another time, let's get going though." He smiles.
"Okay." I say grabbing his cup of Meal and handing it back to the person selling them,
"Gobber doesn't make Meal anymore?" I ask as we walked to the haul.
"Yeah, but today is his day off, he's probably with my dad right now." He sighs.

We walked to the haul, it was in the middle of the village. Its new and improved from the last time I was here. Hiccup opened the door for me and I walked in then he followed, but I was surprised to see Astrid there talking with
Stoick. But as soon as Stoick turned and layed eyes on his eyes lit up, on the other hand Astrid's eyes looked shocked,
"Y/n?!" They both say surprised to see me,
"Yes its me." I smile.
Stoick ran over to me and gave me a huge hug spinning me around, he was very excited to see me. As for Astrid who just stood back where Stoick and her were talking, with her jaw on the floor.
"What are you doing here sweetie?" He asks happily.
"Well Cheif, I'm eighteen now. My parents let me come live here again, but I have to visit them of course." I smiled, it's my lie.
"Thats wonderful! It's great to have you back!" He smiles.
"Im finally taller than her." Hiccup winks.
"Hey!" I giggle.
"Well you do have my genes." Stoick laughs.

Astrid's pov

What the hell is she doing here? As soon as I laid eyes on her I felt this anger fill my soul. She's back, again to ruin everything between Hiccup and I. Stoick welcomed her like she was his long lost daughter. Y/n isn't his child why is it such a big deal? Ugh, of course she has her rich gown, probably worth thousands of silver pennies. I walked up to her to greet her, since I am expect to. But as I got closer I saw how pretty she was- intimidating.

Y/n pov

Astrid hugged me and let go,
"Welcome back Y/n." And gave me the most fake smile.
"Its nice to see you Astrid." I lie.
"What's all the ruckus?" Gobber yells coming down the stairs.
"Y/n's here! Get your flee bag down here now!" Stoick yells.
"No way! Is that Y/n or are my eyes deceiving me!" Gobber says give me a long hug,
"Its me." I giggle.
"You have aged beautifully darling." Gobber says squeezing my cheeks.
"Geez Gobber don't kill her." Hiccup laughs.
"Oh shut it." Gobber jokes.
We all laughed and I heard Gobber mumble to Stoick,
"Hes just jealous-"
"What did you say?" Hiccup asks.
"Nothing, not a thing. So how long are you staying Y/n?" Gobber asks.
"Well I am going to live here now." I smile.
"That's just great." Astrid says sarcastically. But the others didn't catch on, typical men.
"You must meet Valka." Stoick says.
"Yeah, that's my moms name." Hiccup smiles.
"Yes! I can't wait to meet her." I giggle.
"Ill take her to her, be back ina bit." Hiccup says grabbing my arm leading me upstairs to another room.

When we got to the doorway I saw her sitting in a fuzzy chair, reading a book,
"Mom." Hiccup says.
"Hi sweetheart." She says standing up not realizing I'm there.
"There's someon-" Before Hiccup could finish she cut him off,
"Your father told me the news didn't go well- are you okay?" She asks standing up and fixing his hair.
What news?
"Mom-" He says moving her hand off his face and gesturing that I was there.
Then she saw me at the doorway,
"Oh, hello." She smiles.
"This is Y/n." Hiccup says.
"Y/n?!" She gasps as I walked closer to them,
"Hello Mrs. Haddock." I smile.
"Oh I've heared so much about you." She hugged me tightly.
I was surprised with how much she resembles Hiccup, I didnt know what to expect.
"Oh really?" I giggle.
"Yes your all this boy talks about." She laughs.
"Mommmm-" Hiccup blushes.
"How cute." I say teasing Hiccup.
When I looked at him he mouthed me,
I laughed and Valka and I continued to talk,
"And I see your kingdom kept you well dressed." She says complimenting me.
"Yeah for years I had to deal with tight hair styles and tight dresses." I sigh.
"That must be very uncomfortable, here come change. You may borrow my old gear." She says.
"Really? That would be amazing." I smile.
"Of course, come i'll untie the lacing." She says, I turned around with my back facing Hiccup, Valka was about to slide down my dress,
"Hiccup give the lady some privacy." She stops.
I turned my head and he looked embarrassed,
"Oh r-right, sorry." He says backing away out the room,
Before he exited he bumped into the doorway,
I giggled slightly.
"That boy." She giggles.
"He's silly." I chuckle.
"You make him nervous." She says sliding off the dress for me,
"I do?" I ask as she puts my dress on this chair,
"Nobody else makes him nervous." She whispers.
What is she trying to say?

Oh yeah posting daily :)

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