Chapter XVI

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Y/n pov

Walking with Luna is relaxing, it clears my mind. Other vikings were also walking by with there dragons, and when I looked up I saw dragons flying. Seeing this makes me feel even more proud of Hiccup. But when we got to the market Luna saw something and quickly walked closer to whatever it is. I was not paying attention and I slipt off her back, before I could land on the floor I felt someone catch me,
"Woah are you okay?" He asks.
"Yeah I'm fine." I say as he placed me down,
"Thanks for catching me." I giggle.
"No problem, your quite light." He smiles.
I like him- a nice smile,
"Your dragon, she's so unique. I've never seen anything like her." He says.
"She's a light fury, last of her kind." I smile. It was hard not to notice how attractive this guy is,
"So what's your name beauty?" He asks.
"Oh its Y/n." I answer.
"Y/n, what a beautiful name-" He smiles.
"And your last name?" He asks.
"L/n." I say.
"Well Y/n L/n from Pameaburg, your the most attractive woman I've ever seen in my life." He flirts.
"Uhm t-thank you, and what would your name be?" I ask.
"I'm Asher." He smiles.
"Asher-" I say asking for his last name.
"Yeah its Asher." He says again.
"I told you my last name." I giggle.
"I know im messing with you, its Adams." He chuckles.
"Asher Adams." I say.
"Y/n L/n." He says.
Then it hit me, Luna!
"Where did my dragon go?" I ask looking around.
"Oh she's right there with that night fury." He says looking behind me,
I turned around and saw her with Toothless,
"Shit, well thank you again. Nice to meet you I have to go." I say.
"Hey before you go-" He says as I walk away, I turned around,
"Want to hang out later?" He asks.
Well I have nothing else to do,
"Sure, around six?" I ask.
"Great, meet me here then." He waves bye.
I waved bye then left back to Luna,
When I got to Luna and Toothless I saw them bonding, they are both shy. To get familiar with each other they smelled each others sent, they both have never seen another of their own kind.
"Hey buddy I haven't seen you in a while." I smiled and Toothless hugged me,
Luna must have got nervous about my safety because her pupils got smaller and she growled,
"Its okay Luna, this is Toothless he's a great friend of mine." I smile.
Luna's pupils went normal again,
"Do you guys want to hang out?" I ask them.
Luna gave me a shy look, I winked at her and she nodded her head,
"Great, you both can hangout now if you wish." I say.
Toothless nodded his head,
"See you later girl." I hugged Luna and she went away with Toothless.

Hiccup's pov

This morning I got a message from note to meet my dad at his thrown, so I went. I'm expecting the worst at this point,
"Hey dad you wanted to speak to me?" I ask walking up to his thrown with my mother next to him,
"Yes, to continue about Astrid-"
"I dont want to marry her." I cut him off,
"Hiccup dear you say this every time." My mom sighs.
"He'll never stop." Stoick sighs rubbing his eyes.
"Well how can I marry someone I don't love." I groan,
"For the people Hiccup, please." My mom says with this look on her face,
"You don't have to like her, but you must ask her on a date today." My dad says.
"What?!" I ask madly.
"I told her to clear her plans for tonight because you are taking her somewhere, I expect her to tell me how great her date was tomorrow morning, and about you both being in a relationship." He demands.
I wanted to yell and go off on everyone, but then Y/n came into my mind. The anger went away, sadness filled me up,
"Where do I take her?" I ask looking down,
"She would love a walk on the beach and Meal at the market." Valka says.
Meal with Astrid? But that's me and Y/n's thing.
"Fine." I say walking away towards a different exit but I stopped halfway and leaned on a wall looking down still. This is really what my life has come to?
"Did you hear the way Hiccup said fine?" Stoick asks.
"He seemed gloomy." Valka says.
"Hiccup is always stubborn, I was expecting him to yell back but he just looked depressed." He says in this tone.
"I don't think I've ever since him so disappointed?" Valka says.
"Me either, not since the day Y/n left." Stoick sighs.
"I feel terrible Stoick." Valka says.
"I do too love, but who would he marry in such short notice? It would take months for other women." Stoick asks.
"I don't know." She sighs.

They feel bad? Then why don't they stop torturing me? Toothless gave me a ride to the market where we saw Y/n and Luna. As soon as Luna saw Toothless they ran to each other, and Y/n fell. I was about to run to her but this guy caught her, what the hell? Jealousy filled my whole body, as they continued to talk. I see the way he's looking at her, I'm completely losing it. Now he has her interested, I'm too late. I feel like im drowning, my eyes started to water. So I ran off back to my hut, I tried to hold in tears but some came out anyway. Later Toothless and Luna came over to see me at my hut, im glad they finally met at least. But I started to cry softly,
"Im too late Toothless." I sigh.
Toothless and Luna came over and snuggled with me, they're pupils got bigger.
"I'm just going to draw, get this off my mind before I have to go on this stupid date with Astrid." I say grabbing my sketch book.
They both reacted with a gross look,
"Yeah my dad planned a date out for us." I groan.
"I could use a distraction, could I draw you both?" I ask.
They nodded there heads and I had Luna rest her head on Toothless, I drew them.
After drawing them I drew other pictures, without even noticing I drew Y/n three times. Shit.

But the time came for the date and I went to Astrid's hut,
She opened the door immediately even before I knocked, she's been waiting for me, of course.
"Hey Hiccup!" She smiles.
"You ready to go?" I sigh.
"Born ready." She says closing the door to her hut.
"Let's go." I say.
She grabbed my hand, and I just let it happen.
We walked down to the beach and had a romantic walk. It wasn't really exciting to me like when I walked on the beach with Y/n. Then we went to get Meal at the market, we sat down where Y/n and I usually sit. I could tell she's trying too hard to be like Y/n, doing the little things she does. It's not the same at all.

I miss you guys :(:

𝘿𝙖𝙬𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 / 𝙃𝙞𝙘𝙘𝙪𝙥 𝙃𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now