Chapter XXIV

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Y/n pov

"I just want you to be happy, it's for the best." He sighs and gives me a smile.
"I wish you happiness." I say.
"Thanks, but I'm leaving for Pameaburg in three days." He sighs.
"Pameabrug?" I ask.
I got flashbacks to my time there.
"Lets me honest, Berk is not for me. I left here at a young age for school, returning here feels wrong- I'm out of place. I'm hoping for a better future in Pasmeabrug." He says.
"Thats great, what's your plan when you get there?" I ask.
"Get a job, thats my main goal." He says.
"Good, but Asher do me a favor. Be careful, and don't tell anyone you know me." I whisper.
"Why?" He asks.
"The truth is I left for a reason, they are possibly searching for me there. Please Asher don't tell anyone where I am." I say.
"You have my word, I wont tell a soul." He says crossing his heart.
"Thank you." I smile.
"What happened that's so bad?" He asks.
"Let's just say I ran away from someone, if he knew I was here, he'd come and find me. Then he'd hurt me." I sigh.
After talking to Asher for a bit I left to Heather's hut. At least I got to say maybe my last goodbye to Asher.
When I got to the hut Heather wasn't home, huh she said she didn't work today. She's been out a lot lately on her days off of work. But I just flopped onto my bed and stared at the ceiling.

The past, when Y/n arrives in Pameaburg for the first time.

Y/n pov

I arrived in Pameaburg still with tears in my eyes, already I feel an empty part of me in my heart with Hiccup gone. I wonder how he feels right now. But I wiped my tears then got of the boat, as soon as I reached the end of the ramp two soilders guided my to the castle. We walked through the village, there had been rumors about me coming. There were a lot of eyes on me, it's like I could hear they're whispers about me. When we got to the castle I was amazed by the castles size and gardens. Then we entered, I couldn't stop looking around. This is insane, how out of all people, did I end up here? A woman and man sat up from there thrones.
"We have successfully attained the foundling." One of the soilders says as they both bowed down to them,
I looked at them confused on why they were bowing, they're just people. Then they both stood up and walked to me,
"Thank you Ramones." The King says.
"Hello sweetie." The queen says.
"Your my adopted parents?" I ask.
"Yes, welcome to Pameaburg little one." The King says.
"Uhm thanks." I say.
"My name is Endora, and my husband the king, is named Aldrich."

They shook my hand,
"Oh-" She says looking at her hand,
I guess I'm a little dirty.
"Ughm, it's not a problem you can have a bath." Aldrich smiles.
"Sorry." I apologize.
"No need to apologize little one." The Queen says.
"So why did you adopt me?" I ask.
"Well we are unable to have children, and we looked for other options. You stood out to us, your different than us- we want to save you from the life you were in." Endora says.

I'm not royalty I know nothing about this life. My first impression of them that I got was they disliked I was a viking. After that, as soon as possible they got me started on becoming a princess. They overworked me, three times a week I had studies that were all day long till dinner. Then another three days of princess training, with my adopted mother. Only once a week I had a free day to do whatever I wished. Every detail about me was important, I thought who cares if I stand up straight? Or use the wrong fork at the dinner table? But if I did not act proper they punished me by not giving me my one free day of my stressful week. So I learned to speak differently, have good posture, wear the most uncomfortable expensive dresses, have perfect hair, and be whatever they wanted me to be. By the time I hit puberty I was completely molded into what they wanted me to be. Year after year I grew more into a completely different person, trying not to be myself. It was hard not to think about Hiccup, he was on my mind frequently everyday. I always knew one day I'd return to my home and see him again. My feelings never left, I still love that sweet little boy. For years I dealed with the pain away from home, and the struggle just trying to be someone I'm not.

Years later, the day Y/n met Hans

Y/n pov

I daydreamed sitting at my thrown with my parents on my side. We're expecting my arranged marriage family to come. Today is the day I meet my future husband.
"Y/n, you know better sit up." Endora says, my adopted mother.
I fix my posture,
"And remember to keep your chin up." Aldrich says, my adopted father.
"He's right, remember you show confidence when you look straight ahead." She says agreeing with him.
They are always trying to change me to mold me into some perfect princess. Maybe they should have thought about that before they decided to adopt a viking. I wasn't born to be this. Then the doors of the castle open and a man and woman enter with another man behind them. They are also surrounded with soilders from their kingdom. I can tell, they're not wearing our kingdoms colors. When they got to our thrown they bowed to us, then we stood up.

"Hello, King and Queen Beckett, we've been writing to each other for weeks." The King says.
"Of course we recall your letters." Aldrich says.
"May we present our suiter, Prince Hans." The King says.
The man behind them comes forward and keeps a nice confident posture.
Then he walks up to my adopted dad and shakes his hand.
"It is an honor to be in your acquaintance." Hans says.
"Prince Hans, lovely meeting you." Endora says as Hans kissed her hand.
Then he turned to me,
"May we present our daughter, Princess Y/n Beckett." Endora says.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you." He says grabbing my hand and kissing it.
I looked at my adopted mother, for weeks she's been trying to get me to be polite. If I mess this up I'll ruin what I've been working for my whole life, marriage. I don't want this, marrying someone I don't love- but I have no choice.
"As the pleasure is all mine." I fake smile.
"I'm sure you both will get along lovely, now run along while we discuss other matters." Aldrich says.
"Im sure Prince Hans would enjoy the royal garden Y/n." Endora says giving me a "dont fuck this up" look.
On the inside I felt frustrated and annoyed with my parents attitudes,
But I kept my smile.

"Would you like to view our collection of carnations?" I ask.
"That sounds delightful." He says.
I nodded my head,
"Right this way." I say exiting to the side of the thrown.
Hans followed me to the back of the castle,
"I've heared whispers about your relations with vikings." He says.
"Yes, I was a viking." I say.
"So your not born into the royal blood line?" He asks as we step outside,
"No." I say.
"Interesting, your not really a princess then, are you?" He smirks.
That smirk gave me chills down my spine,
"Well I believe my parents would disagree strongly." I say.

𝘿𝙖𝙬𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 / 𝙃𝙞𝙘𝙘𝙪𝙥 𝙃𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now