Chpater IX

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Y/n pov

Toothless landed in front of Hiccup's hut, then we got off and went inside happily. When we went inside Toothless dashed past us and into his bed. Hiccup gave me a hut tour,
"And this is my room." He says opening the door for me to walk in,
When I did I immediately saw more drawing of me and Toothless,
I looked at them mesmerized,
"I forgot to take those down, I must look like a freak." He says coving his face with his hands.
I giggled and grabbed both his hands and moved them from his face,
"Hiccup they're beautiful. You don't have to be embarrassed." I smile.
He was blushing,
"Really? I thought you'd think I was obsessed with you." Hiccup laughs.
"Well it is kinda creepy." I tease.
"I'll take them down." He says quickly going to take a drawing down but I stood in front of him and laughed,
"I'm messing with you." I giggle.
"Your evil." He smirks.
"Mwahahahaha." I joke.
He laughed at me and I sat down on his bed,
"Your angle looks nice right now, can I?" He asks grabbing his pencil and drawing notebook.
I nodded my head and sat down still,
It's been forever since he's drawn me.
He made me laugh a couple times but then he finished the drawing,
"New and improved." He says handing me the notebook,
"Wow." I say grabbing the paper,
Its amazing like always. Every line and curve looks exactly like me.
"I love it." I smile.
"Your a great reference." He blushes.
"Well I believe a master piece like this belongs to the wall of fame." I say sticking the paper onto the wall with the others.
"Are you hungry?" He giggles.
"Mmm I could eat." I laugh.
Before Hiccup could say anything they're was a knock on the door,
We ran downstairs and Hiccup opened the door,

"Mom?" Hiccup asks surprised to see her.
"Hello Valka." I smile.
"I was hoping to find you two here, dinner is ready, your both free to join." She says.
"Do you want to go?" Hiccup whispers to me.
I nodded my head,
"That sounds great." I smile.
"Lets go then." Valka smiles.
Hiccup and I walked out and started heading to the long familial halls. I remember when we we're young we'd all come eat together here. They're a long wooden tables and chairs where we ate.
Its a traditional thing for vikings to eat together every single night. Hiccup and I would stuff our faces at our own table, when we got their everyone was laughing and drinking beer. It was loud, just like I remember. Valka guided us to their table where Gobber and Stoick were,
"Hello you feisty animal." Gobber laughs.
"How did you spend your day?" Stoick asks as we sat down,
"I'll get the fish." Valka says walking away,
"Well after we left the hall I took her on a ride with Toothless." Hiccup smiles.
"Oh how was it?" Gobber asks.
"Amazing! I'm so happy Hiccup saved us from the fight with dragons." I smiled.
"He didn't want to hurt dragons, I thought how is he my son?" Stoick laughs.

Hiccup and I laughed,
"He spent two years with me in weapons before they forced him on the fight sight." Gobbler chuckles.
"Interesting." I say nudging Hiccup.
"Well I promised you." Hiccup whispers.
Valka came back with the grilled fish, and beer for everyone except Hiccup and I.
"I bet this is a downgrade from the food in that fancy castle." Valka smiles.
"Definitely not, all the foods we're fancy and I had to use different forks for different things. What I really craved was the food here." I smile.
"I'm happy being adopted by the queen and king didn't change you on the inside." Stoick says.
"Well she's a viking by blood, she loves our fish." Gobber giggles.
"And meats." Hiccup says nudging me.
"Of course." I smile.
"Hiccup what did you mean by 'well I promised you' earlier when I arrived with the fish?" Valka asks.
"Oh you heared that?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'm just curious." She says.
"Well- when Y/n and I we're kids I promised to never hurt a dragon, and to give her a ride on one, some day." Hiccup blushes.

"Oh-" Valka says giving Stoick a look.
"Why isn't that sweet? They were inseparable when they were young." Gobber smiles.
"Best friends forever." Stoick says.
"Want some beer Hiccup?" Gobber asks.
Suddenly Valka gave him a death stare.
"What? Hiccup is twenty let him have a beer!" Gobber chuckles.
"No thanks Gobber." Hiccup says.
"Ahh lame. Y/n?" Gobber asks.
"No thanks, I'm underaged-" before I finished my sentence I remembered there is no rules here about drinking. But I'm Pameabrug you could only drink at twenty.
"Under aged?" Valka asks confused.
"I'm sorry in Pameaburg teens are not allowed to drink." I say.
"Wait your not twenty?" Valka asks.
"She's eighteen." Stoick says.
"This whole time I thought you were twenty like Hiccup." Valka giggles.
"Yeah she's the baby here." Hiccup says patting my head like I'm a pet.
"Hey!" I laughed and pushed his hand.
After eating with more laughs and giggles. We walked back to Hiccup's hut by ourselves, when we got back we went in his room. That's when I realized he only has one bed, crap.

"I'll sleep on the floor if your not comfortable." Hiccup says shyly.
"Oh no you should sleep on the bed, it's your hut." I giggle.
"Well your the guest." He says lifting up a blanket for me to lay down,
"It's not like we haven't shared a bed before." I laugh.
"We we're tiny little kids though, and you kicked me a lot." He jokes.
"I did not! You would drool!" I laughed and playfully punched him.
"Hey! Drooling is normal!" He states.
"So is kicking-" I add.
"Touché." Hiccup laughs.
"So hop in bed." I say.
"How about this, every night we take turns." He suggests.
"Fair. Deal." I say, we shook hands and we had another funny agreement about who sleeps on the bed first. He won though because of the fact he's slept on the bed for years before I arrived. I layed down a blanket for Hiccup on the floor which he changed into more comfortable clothes, I also grabbed and extra pillow and put another blanket down for him to cover himself. Then I got into bed, I had already changed into one of Hiccups big shirts and pants.
"Wow, thank you." He giggles when he sees the bed I made for him on the floor.
"Your welcome." I smiled facing him as he layed down on the floor.
"I'll turn off the candle." Hiccup says covering the candle with a tiny cup so it will turn off, the room went completely dark.

"Dinner was fun." I say staring at the ceiling.
"Like old times." He chuckles.
"Yeah, you guys are my family." I smiled.
"You've always been family." He says.
I blushed a little,
"Especially after my parents died, you guys were there for me when it felt like I lost everything." I sighed.
"Do you ever think about them?" Hiccup asks.
"If I'm honest, my memory of them fades more as the years go by. The little things I forgot, like there personalities. All I can think of them now are there names, Shea and Julio." I say.
"They left too soon, you were young memories are harder to remember from your trauma." Hiccup says.
"Sometimes I feel bad about it, like I forgot a whole persons soul." I say.
"Nothing is wrong with that. It's normal, but unfortunate." He sighs.
"Yeah, sorry I mentioned it." I say.
"Well I was the one who asked." He says.
"We should sleep now." I yawn.
"Yup, long day tomorrow." Hiccup yawns too.
"Good night Hiccup." I smile.
"Good night Y/n." Hiccup says shyly.

𝘿𝙖𝙬𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 / 𝙃𝙞𝙘𝙘𝙪𝙥 𝙃𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now