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"Where's Jack?" I asked Anna as we were walking our way back to the North Mountain.

"He's right here-" she paused realizing he wasn't behind us. "Well he was right there but... maybe he flew ahead?" She suggested.

Maybe he did.

It wasn't long until he came flying back, he had a distressed look on his face. This can't be good.

"I need you all to come with me quick." He said, glancing over to me then Anna.

"How do we do this?" He muttered to himself as he grabbed hold of my hand.

"Jack what's going on?" I asked him.

He was still muttering something under his breath. I guess he didn't hear me. Just when I was about to ask again he shook his head.

"Queen Anna, I'm sorry but I'll have to ask you to go back to the Valley of the Living Rock." Jack said then let go of my hand.

"I'll get the King." He said, his feet starting to lift off the ground. "Elsa go with Queen Anna and I'll see you there."

"Jack what is going on?" I asked him, successfully grabbing his hand before he was able to fly away.

He looked at me, still looking stressed as ever. What did he see?

"Sorry, it's just... big trouble. We can't waste anymore time. Go back to the Valley of the Living Rock as fast as you can." He said letting his feet touch the ground.

He held both my hands. "Be safe. I'll be meet with you as fast as I can." He told me, his eyes looking straight to mine.

I nodded. Not being able to look away.

He sighed. "Okay, I'll be right back." He said flying off.

"You heard him." I faced Anna, she just nodded as well. She talked to Gutt and Pike who both nodded to her.

"Let's go." Anna said before we ran our way back to the Valley of the Living Rock.


Jack came back quickly, almost just minutes when we arrived. We've already told Grand Pabbie about Jack telling us to come here.

It was as if they already talked to Jack since they just accepted it and took us in right away.

"King Kristoff is on his way with the Arrendellians." Jack immediately said.

Grand Pabbie nodded before turning to Gerda.

"The barrier should be finished by now." She said.

"Great." Jack said, smiling shortly before turning to me. His face face shifted quickly to a serious one. "Let's go?"

"Where?" I asked.

"The Ice Castle, fearlings have taken over. I'll explain on the way." He said grabbing a hold of my hand.

I instinctively pulled away which surprised him. He turned to me, his furrowed eyebrows slowly relaxing to create a soft expression.

He faced his body to mine, held both my hands and looked at them. I followed his gaze and noticed the small frost turning on the tip of my hand.

I was about to pull away but he held it tighter. "Wait my hand, it's cold and-"

"Elsa." He cut me off. I looked at him terrified, my hands are getting colder by the minute.

"Elsa I know you're scared but you have to listen to me." I can hear Jack say but my attention was on the frost slowly starting to form around us.

"I know you're scared of the fearlings getting to you-" my head shot towards his direction. I'm slowly being conflicted, I don't know why I want him to let go of my hand but at the same time I don't. All I know is that I don't want to go where there are fearlings.

"Elsa it's not your fault they're here." Jack said, his hands gripping on mine. "They're not going to get you. I won't let them. Not on my watch."

"I really don't want you to come with me because it's dangerous and I don't want to put you in another danger but..." Jack stared into my eyes once more, the same look from earlier. Determined, almost pleading. "...I can't do this without you."

I can feel something wet my cheeks. Tears. That line, it just made me feel weak.

All my life I feared my powers, he didn't. I know my parents did their best to accept it but I knew it scared them as much as it scared me. Anna loved it but it put her in danger, it was the reason we grew apart before. They accept it now, specially when I started to stay at the Enchanted Forest I was welcomed more than ever.

But to Jack, my powers was something that connected us. It never scared him from the start, and even now when it's going out of control here he is holding my hand without the fear of being frozen to death.

He trusts me. He trusts me enough that he's stayed with me for this long. And I know he was the person who can handle all of me. Sure Anna will be willing to stay with me through all this but I can't for sure be calm if we were in the middle of this disaster that is me.

"I understand if you don't want to come. I understand if you're too scared. But trust me when I say that I won't let anything happen to you." Jack told me with the softest voice I ever heard him talk.

The storm didn't come. Or rather, the storm was yet to come. Even so, the storm didn't start here. It didn't end up to be one because of him.

There wasn't any frost build-up around us. There wasn't any snow starting to fall. It was warm.

"I do trust you." I told him as I pulled my hand to dry my cheeks. 

"Thank you." He said, pulling the hand he was holding to his face as if he was about to plant a kiss on it. He didn't, it was simply him doing that as a momentum for his bow. 

"Shall we?" He asked as he tilted his head slightly upward, enough for me to see him look at me as he asked.

I took a deep breath, looked over to Anna who was a sobbing mess. She was nodding her head up and down, fighting the urge to runover to our direction. 

"Let's go." I told Jack. He stood up, flashing me a soft smile as he wiped my cheek. 

As we were slowly swept up by Gale I turned to Anna once more and waved her goodbye.

With her free hand she waved back, along with the other trolls with her. "Goodluck! And make sure to come back!" Anna said.

"We will!" I answered.

I looked over to Jack who was already looking at my direction, he smiled when our eyes met. And with that we zoomed away to the ice castle.

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