chapter 5

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3RD Person point of view

It has been one month now that Zayn and Bella have been friends with each other. Zayn was happy to have her as his friend on the other hand Bella was wondering weather, she should ask Zayn out on a date. She doesn't want to rush the things between them but it has to be done before going to India for her Graduation ceremony. She wanted to make sure he is hers before she leaves.

Zayn has not shared much about himself to Bella as if he is living in two different world. One is cruel word where he has to tolerate all the bad things happening with him and another parallel word is full of happiness where he only has Bella in his life.

He was not aware of Bella's background. He just knows that She is also orphan like him but unlike him she was lucky enough to have loving family. He has not shared with her how he was verbally and physical abused in his past life. He did not wanted Bella to think about him as a pity case. He has also not shared about his nightmare "Melissa''. He knows very well Bella would not be able to help him about it. He doesn't want her to worry about the things which are not under her control.

Melissa was after zayn for more than ever she had. Zayn was afraid to be alone in the college as to he doesn't know which stunt, she might pull on him. He was always on alert mode whenever he was in college. Her minions also made sure to make his life miserable whenever they could get a chance.

Zayn decided to enjoy his current life as much as he can. 

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