Chapter 25

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Caution: Heavy writing ahead. 

Bella's pov,

It has been two weeks since I have been keeping track of Zayn's activity. I have hired a detective named Sean to do this for me. He follows Zayn day and night. So far he has been giving me the same updates.  Mel and Zayn stay with Rose in a two story house. It is not a rich person's house but of an upper middle class family. I wonder how Mel is managing to stay in this house because our house is way bigger than this house. Mel was the owner of the company then I don't know how she ended up in this house. She never told me about this on the phone since I left. I am yet to meet Mel in person. I wanted to gather all the evidence before meeting her. So Sean has managed to take photos of Zayn going out of his house and coming late at night. He books uber to go to his destination. There is no one to pick up and drop him. He always wears a face mask and sunglasses while entering any hotel or destination. 

They have one old servant who looks after Rose. Sean said he has seen Zayn and Mel going out for late night parties all dressed up. He has often seen Zayn and Rose going out to the garden to play. Never once he saw Mel with Rose going out. It is strange. Sean said he could not see inside the house as their house is always hidden by curtains. They don't open the curtains even during day time. This information is weird. 

I was thinking about all the information I have received and how to go further about it. I think I should visit them personally and try to figure out what exactly the truth is. I was sitting in my hotel room trying to prepare a questionnaire on people getting abused but I was not able to concentrate. Since my arrival I have not focused on my work at all.  My phone started ringing. I saw it was sean. 

" Hello," I replied.  

" I called for daily updates. I think there is a party in Madam Melissa's Home as there are almost 4 females who entered their house at 9pm but they have not yet left. " I just hummed. 

" Might be her friend's group. Inform me if you find anything unusual." I replied

" Mr Zayn has not left for work today. He is also inside his house." Sean informed me. 

" Okay. Thanks. I am thinking of visiting them tomorrow morning. Keep watch. I informed him and hung up the phone. 

I decided to sleep as my headache started. I was nervous and feeling nauseous to meet Mel face to face. But I had to do it.  

In the morning I got ready to leave the hotel room and headed towards Mel's home. 

I took a cab to their home. I reached their home. I was too nervous to ring the bell. I gathered courage and pressed the doorbell. There was no response. I tried multiple times. I started panicking. Thinking worse for my sister. I tried opening the door by twisting the door knob. Door opened easily. It was open. I entered the house slowly. 

There was eerie silence in the house. I looked around to find anyone. I looked at the hall. I was shocked to see Mel lying on the sofa. I ran towards her. She was drunk. Bottles were scattered on the floor and eaten pizza boxes were on the table. I tried to wake her up but she was heavily asleep. I felt uneasy standing there. 

There was dead silence in the house. My heartbeat sped up. I thought of going upstairs as there were cigarettes lying on the floor. I climbed up the stairs. Looked for anyone to be there. Rooms were empty except the door to one room was slightly open. 

I pushed the open door further and peeked inside. My heart jumped in my throat at the scene in front of me. Zayn was lying on the bed. He was very much naked. A small blanket had covered his private parts. I slowly went near bed. He was badly injured. He was unconscious. His ghostly white pale skin was littered with scratch marks, teeth bites and hand prints. His lips were bruised, swollen and had bleed on it. 

My entire body went numb. I clamped my hands on my mouth to control my sobs. My head was spinning and my legs wobbled. I fell down on my knees near bed. 

I was wrong all along. 

The one who needs rescue is not Mel. 

It's Zayn who needs to get rescued. 

Authors Note: 

Truth is partially revealed. What will happen next? To know what actually happened with Zayn stay tuned. 

Happy reading!

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