Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Zayn's POV,

Its been almost a month and my life has never been better than this. I am enjoying my time with Bella. She has become my real good friend. I know its too early to judge someone but I feel that she will not betray me. She has good intentions to be with me. I have gone through many series of betrayal from friends that it was hard to trust someone easily. Out of all people in the past Bella has marked her presence in my life.

Today I have taken a leave from college and work to meet Bella. She said it is important day for her and she wanted to spend entire day with me. We decided to meet near my workplace. Just as I was about to call her she came at our spot.

" Hi" I waved at her.

" Hii, am I too late? How long you are waiting for me?" She asked.

" Not much. Don't worry. Now tell me what's the occasion? I asked her. I was quite curious about today's reason for meeting.

" Lets have some coffee first"

"um.. okay. Lets go.

We went to nearby café and ordered for the coffee. I asked her again.

" So wass up? ''

Bella was nervous. I kept on looking at her. She has serious look on her face.

"Hey, Is everything alright?" U seem worried. Tell me what it is?" I asked her

" Actually Zayn; I am going back to India for 15days. My results are out. I have my graduation ceremony over there. I need to do some paperwork as well so that I can look for job here. So I will be going today evening." She answered in a one go.

I was surprised. She is leaving that too for 15 days?? Why I am feeling sad about it. I should be happy for her and congratulate her. Right..?

" Hey congratulations!! Why such a long face while giving this good news?? I said cheerfully to her to lighten her mood.

I smiled at her. She also smiled at me.. wait .. am I seeing things?? She is not happy? She has disappointed look on her face. Did I do something wrong? She passed and she would get her degree. This is good news right? Am I trying to read between the lines??

" Hey! Why you are so quite. Is there any other thing which is bothering you?? " I decided to ask her.

Bella gave a long sigh and she made a face like she has mustered a courage to give me some kinda breaking news. I wanted to laugh at her face but decided against it. I don't want her to be angry with him while leaving.

" umm.. I am happy that I am getting my degree. I will be rewarded with degree. I will be back after 15 days. I am nervous for what I am about to tell you and how you would react to it?"


" je suis amoureuse de toi " Bella said in one sentence.

" What????" I asked her again? She just nervously smiled at me and repeated.

" je suis amoureuse de toi" She repeated and looked away.

I was so confused. "Which is this language? What is it? "

Bella did not answered. She suddenly stood up and said

" I have said something to you. I want you to answer me weather you also feel the same when I will be back from India. If you could figure out my question and answer to this then please msg me or call me. I will be eagerly waiting for your response. I request you to think twice before replying as it is important to me like need air for breathing"

Before I could respond Bella left the cafe leaving me there with lot of questions in my mind and a pang in my chest. 

je suis amoureuse de toi????

Author note:

Hi readers!

Sorry for delayed updates. 

So what do you think Bella said to zayn? will he able to figure it out? 

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