chapter 12

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Zayn POV,

I have become more and more paranoid of Melissa these days. I am constantly on her watch. She kept on bugging me and tried to get me alone. There were several moments when I thought that I couldn't put up with her anymore. She keeps me always busy with her and makes me do all my work in her cabin. So that she can stare at me continuously. I can feel her heavy gaze on me. It sends shivers down my spine. I am feeling suffocated in her presence.

On the other hand I don't feel like meeting Bella as well. I just want to be alone for a while. I am thinking of telling everything about Melissa and her advances on me. I hope Bella will understand me. Many times I thought of quitting my job. In fact I am searching for another job secretly. Once I get a new job I will immediately quit my current job.

Currently I am working in Melissa's cabin on one report. She said she is going out and will be back in a couple of hours. These are such times when I can be myself and think freely. I was feeling relaxed because of her absence. I was humming to my favourite tune then suddenly I felt someone snaked their arms around my shoulder. I jerked due to sudden touch and saw who it was. It was none other than Melissa. I abruptly stood up and backed away from her

" What are you doing here?? I asked

"This is my cabin. In fact this is my company and you are also mine" She smirked at me. I started picking up my papers to leave her cabin. I was about to reach the door but was stopped by her. She grabbed my wrist and turned me around to her.

" Where are you going? She questioned me

" You yourself said this is your cabin so I am leaving. let go of my wrist. mam..." I gritted those last words. She immediately pushed me towards the wall and her hold on my wrist tigtern. I tried to push her off with my other hand but it was useless. God knows how in the world she has this much strength. I was struggling against her hold on me.

"You are hurting me! let go." I was breathless now. fear engulfed me. She was staring at me with such a predatory gaze like I am some sort of meat. I tried to look away from her boring eyes but she grabbed my face and completely plastered her body over me pressing on the wall. I was trapped and this realization had me fearing for the worst. Shiver ran down my spine and her face inches closer to me. Her eyes lowered to my lips. She was going to try kissing me again. I immediately moved my face to the other side and her kiss landed on my cheek. This got her more furious. she grabbed my face again and this time along with my wrist her grip on my face was also tight. I was still trying to push her off of me. Suddenly she crashed her lips on me and started kissing me hungrily. Her kiss was brutal and wild. She was devouring my lips. I felt so disgusted. I tried hard to push her but she started kissing me harder, not allowing me to breath as well. Slowly I felt breathless and could not breathe. She was not ready to leave my lips. I could taste my own blood as she bit my bottom lip. I couldn't take it anymore. Tears started seeping out of my eyes. I could not take in air in my lungs anymore and blackness took over me. Before blacking out I could hear her last words

" Damm it'

I was feeling heavy in my head. I was having a nightmare that Melissa was kissing me. I jerked awake from my sleep. I opened my eyes and saw myself sleeping on the sofa. I looked around to see that I was still in Melissa's office and she was seated in front of me. staring at me. I quickly sat up and tried to shield myself from her.

" Wake up honey. It was our first kiss and so bad you fainted on me. You need to be more healthy to keep up with me. " Melissa said with a smile.

I got so furious with her. One she forcefully kissed me and behaved as if it was not a big deal. I quickly stood up and started to leave but she stopped me again this time she gripped my shoulder. This triggered something in me.I turned around and slapped her on the face.

" Don't touch me. can't you see your touch disgusts me." I screamed and left. I did not turn around to see her reaction. I had enough of her. I am quitting her job. I will stay hungry but will not work for this lunatic.

I went home and locked my room. I rushed to the washroom. I saw myself in the mirror. I could see my swollen red and bitten lips. I feel so disgusted. I went in shower and tried to wash off her touch with hot water. I could see angry red marks on my wrist where she was holding me. I really hate her. I had ignored her throughout my college years considering she has a crush on me but she is obsessed and lunatic. I am never going back to the office nor going to see Melissa ever again.

Author note:

I apologize for the delay in uploading. Melissa has shown her dark side to Zayn. What will happen next? What do guys think of this chapter?

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