Chapter 41

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Zayn's POV

" Mel help !!! open the door !!!!" I screamed with all my might. Scarlet's next sentence froze me in place. I went numb to the core.

" Zayn!! you are my reward, and I am being rewarded by your wife. Melissa. " 

" It's not possible. Mel will never do such a thing. She hates it if anyone even looks at me. How can she allow you to touch me? I don't believe it." I said firmly. 

Scarlet laughed at me as if I told her joke. 

" How naive are you, Zayn? Do you think Mel would get away easily with a food poisoning case? It is me who has saved her. So, after so much hard work she has to give a reward to me. I just asked her, and she agreed. Of course she is no longer the owner of her 4 hotels. I have reversed the deal. Now she will have one hotel and I will have another three plus one free night with you." Scarlet slowly explained to me. 

" So, you blackmailed Mel? In exchange for her freedom, you asked for me?" I seethed with anger

" Not exactly, she still had the option to fight the case in court. She still has one hotel with her. You also know if she runs it properly, she can still overcome this crisis. but if you see her personality. She will always choose an easy way out.  In today's high-class society, it is not uncommon to give and take personal favors to climb the ladder." Scarlet said as if she was stating the obvious. 

I could not believe my ears. I am a simple orphan boy. Why do I have to get tangled in the sick game of these rich people?  They treat people as goods they can exchange. 

" What if I am not willing to go ahead with your deal with Mel. I am my own person. I refuse to take part in your deal" I said, determined to not tolerate these cheap tactics. 

Scarlet laughed. Her laugh was full of amusement. 

" You are funny Zayn. Do you think you have any say in this? You are in my hotel suite. Locked in my room with me. You have nowhere to go. Your wife is drunk outside. She doesn't give a damn if you are willingly doing it or being forced. If she would have cared, then she would have taken your consent before committing to me." Scarlet said coming closer to me. I was speechless. My mind could not muster anything to say. when scarlet reached my personal space, I moved away from her. 

" You can't force me. I won't allow you to touch me. I will kill myself or I will kill you. Don't come near me." I threatened her. 

Scarlet tilted her head back and laughed. 

" If you kill yourself then what will happen to Rose? and if you kill me then also what will happen to Rose when her dad will be spending his entire life in jail." which is a better option?"  Scarlet said while making thinking face. My heart clenched. 

" Zayn, my people are outside this suit. In a snap of fingers, I can call them and have you tied up to my bed to do as I please. Even if you hurt me or kill me you can't escape from here without being unharmed. I am not fool to keep this proposition and not plan for my safety." Scarlet said in cold voice. 

" So, what Zayn? What is your decision? are you coming to me willingly or by force?'' Scarlet asked menacingly. I felt myself trapped. My head was throbbing, and my entire body felt cold. 

" How much do we owe?" I asked scarlet. 

" What?''

" How much do we owe if I don't agree to sleep with you? what is the cost of your favor to Mel if it were to be paid by money" I repeated to make myself clear. 

" You will have to sell off your apartment and last hotel to me." Scarlet said amused. I was shocked. This woman really doesn't have any morals. 

" Let me talk with Mel. please give me some time" I told her in cold voice. 

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