Chapter 27

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Bella's POV,

I sat near Zayn's bed for a long time. It felt like hours to sit there and watch him not waking up. I paced around the room for him to wake up. I am determined to save him from all the pain he has suffered. I am thinking of taking him with me. I will take care of him. I will make him forget all the bad things that happened to him. 

I looked back at Zayn to check if he was awake or not. I went near him and caressed his cheeks. It had a handprint as if someone had gripped his jaw tightly. My chest tightened at the thought of it. Zayn slowly moved and opened his eyes. He blinked a few times and looked at me. The moment he looked at me he got frightened and moved away from my touch. He started moving away from me on bed and sat up. He was shivering with fear and wrapped his arm around his knees. He was not looking at me. I got scared. I slowly started going to him to soothe him. He went rigid in his sitting place and tears started flowing from his eyes. 

" Zayn," I whispered.  He immediately flinched and leaned away from me. I inched closer to him and kept my hand on his shoulder. He flinched violently and backed away from me. His eyes were wide and he was afraid. He was shivering like a leaf. 

" It's me, Zayn; Bella. It's okay." I tried to calm him down. He was scared like a hurt puppy. I wanted to hug him and assure him that he is safe now. 

I climbed on the bed towards him. He was shaking his head and tried to move away from me. I furrowed my brows at him. I looked into his eyes. He was scared of me. I lifted my hand and kept my palm on his right cheek. He stopped breathing. He stopped all his movements. I started caressing his cheek slowly to calm him down. He immediately went limp against me and closed his eyes. I panicked and looked at his face. Tears were flowing from his closed eyes. He was breathing heavily. 

" Zayn, look at me.. " I whispered gently. He shut his eyes more tightly. Clueless. I was at a loss what to do about the situation we are in?

" Zayn, look at me.. why are you scared? stop moving". I asked. 

" I am s--sorry. I will--not move." He stuttered and gripped the Bedsheet around him tightly in a fist. His voice was so low and inaudible. His voice was shaky and eyes closed as if he was waiting for something to happen. 

Suddenly it dawned on me that he must be thinking that I brought him here to have sex with him? That is why he is afraid? He was already in the same situation yesterday night so he must be thinking that I will also do the same with him. 

I immediately moved away from him and stood up. 

" Zayn! Please don't panic! don't be afraid.. I will not do anything to you." I hurriedly tried to assure him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. He did not believed me. 

" Look, I went to your house today morning. I wanted to meet Mel and you. When I entered the house; I saw you were unconscious and in very bad condition.  So I brought you here. Doctor has seen you and treated your wounds. you are safe now. Please relax." I slowly explained to him everything that had happened. 

Zayn panicked and started getting up from bed as soon as he stood up from bed he fell on bed. I immediately went to help him. I gripped his shoulder to support him. He frantically tried to get free from my hold. 

" Stop it Zayn! You need to rest. Please sit." I tried to stop him from leaving. 

" No! Please let me go. I can't stay here. I need to go home." He tried to free himself. He was desperate to leave. 

" Zayn! No, you can't go. It's not safe for you. Please listen to me. stay here." I reasoned with him. 

" You don't understand! I need to go. I--I can't stay here. Where is Rose? " He almost screamed in panic. He tried to push me to stand up. 

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