Chapter 21

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Bella's POV,

 I feel I am the luckiest person in the world. When I saw how much pain and sorrow people have; I forgot my own pain when I saw others in pain....  I chose a path to heal myself by healing others....  I am content with who I am right now. I have established my own NGO. " Lotus foundation".   Lotus grows in the mud but still maintains its beauty and innocence. I want people to get support to reestablish their life. Everyone deserves a second chance. My NGO is a renowned NGO in Phoenix. We work in many areas such as child education, women's health and rehabilitation of abused people.  We are called to conduct research and surveys in various countries. So my work has brought me back to my hometown in London. 

Currently I am sitting on a plane to London for work. I am feeling very nostalgic. I am consumed with all the memories of my past life which I have left behind. I am not going to visit my family. I am going to stay at a hotel. I will complete my project and leave at the earliest. The only person I am going to meet is Angela. She has been with me in my rough days. 

I got down on the plane and came out of the Airport terminal. Angela was waving at me excitedly. I hurriedly went over to her and hugged her. I missed her so much. Her hug made me even more nostalgic and reminded me of the day of my arrival to London when I had returned after completing my studies. Mel and my family were there to receive me at the airport. Angela was talking non stop. She has changed a lot. Hell! I have also changed a lot. 

We started filling in with our life updates as we started for a hotel. I have few friends who are still in social work. I have invited them to meet me at the hotel. I will have to discuss with them regarding my new project. This new project is very sensitive so they need my expertise so I could not send any of my subordinates. We reached the hotel. I checked in my booked room and started unpacking. I am still nervous to meet my family. Meeting my family means facing Zayn. I am still not ready to meet him. I sighed to myself and decided to let this go. I should focus on my project. 

I rested for a whole day then thought of shaking my laziness. I yesterday called my friends and asked them to help me with my project. They have called me in another hotel to meet them. I reached the address given by them in the evening. They met me in the bar section of the hotel. We chatted for a while and then had a few drinks. 

"We have booked a room for you upstairs. You should go now. " My friend Madaline said. 

" Why is a booking room required? you could have just set a meeting. " I was surprised. 

" Do you think escorts will be ready to just meet you? Plus what's harm in booking one for one night. You can have fun while doing project".. Madaline smirked at me. I just laughed off her comments. I gathered courage and asked my friends '' At least you guys can accompany me to the room. ? 

I was hesitant to enter the said room. My friends pushed me towards the hotel room door. I sighed and entered the room.  The escort who was hired for me by my friends was sitting on the bed facing the opposite side. I could not see his face. This was my first time talking with an escort. I cleared my throat and squeaked.


He turned to look at me. The moment my eyes laid on him I felt the ground beneath me be swept off. The escort who was hired for me tonight is none other than my ex- boyfriend and also my sister’s husband Zayn.

Authors Note: 

If you are reading this chapter then thank you for reading my book. 

Happy reading!!

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