Chapter 43

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Zayn's Pov

It's been 15 days and I have been avoiding Mel at all costs. John has helped me to keep her away from me ; giving reason for my sickness. I wanted this space to think through these events of my life. I have to think about me and Rose now. Mel is not at all reliable. She has shown me that she has not changed a bit. She is still that selfish, controlling and dominating as she was in college. I am really wondering how my life would have been if I did not meet Bella. Still I would be in the clutches of MEL? cause she was obsessed with me before I even met Bella. 

Bella must be happy in her life. I can't be bothered with her thoughts now. I had dreamed of completing my education and have a stable job. Marry Bella but I don't think I am that lucky. Normal life what I desire which is farfetched dream for me now.

I was in my thoughts then suddenly the door opened. Mel barged in my room and John was after her to stop her coming in my room.  

" John, get out! I want to talk with my husband. don't meddle in my business." Mel screamed at John. He flinched and left. 

" What are you doing here?" I asked her. 

" What are you doing here?  Why are you not staying in our bedroom? Even Rose is not sleeping with me". Mel asked. She was upset. 

" I don't want to be near you. I don't want you to touch me. About Rose, she can't sleep without me. You know that." I answered her calmly. 

She gripped my arm tight and said" You are staying in my house. You belong to me. I am your wife. come on pack your stuff and shift in our room" 

" I don't want to. If you are threatening me to leave the house then I will gladly go. I will leave with Rose." I replied. 

" What???? what did you say?? You are going to leave me? You can't. I will not let you go. " Mel seethed in anger. 

" Why? Why can't I leave? I want divorce." I tried to be calm.  

Mel released my arm and slapped me on the cheek. 

" How dare you? I will not give you divorce. I will never leave. You have to stay with me willingly or unwillingly." Mel said dangerously. 

" You are not above law. I will definitely file divorce." I stated firmly. I was tired of her obsession. 

Mel started laughing. I frowned at her. She stopped laughing and said " Okay. Go ahead and file a divorce. Who will get custody of Rose? I will definitely prove in court how lovely a mother I am and she is one year old. She needs mother more than her father.  Financially I am more stable than you. Who will get custody of a one year old small girl? A father with nowhere to go or a stable mother? I can provide her with a better quality of life than you. So go ahead and do it. After our divorce with the help of Eva or Scarlet I can frame you in any theft or crime and you will be behind the bar for a very long time. I will make sure you will never get to see Rose ever." 

I was shocked and numb to the core after hearing her threat. She is really a monster with no heart. She knows Rose can not live without me and she will separate her from me.  Most importantly I can't live without Rose. 

" What Zayn? What happened? go meet your lawyer." Mel said sarcastically.  Then she laughed again. 

She again came closer to me, invading my personal space. She whispered in my ear"  You decide what you want to do. If you decide to stay with me then you will have to obey my every wish. If you do this Rose and you will be together. She will have a good life. So don't make me wait tonight. I want you back in our bedroom." with this said Mel left the room. Again leaving me with no option. I was helpless. No job. No one to support me. Even if I manage to run away with Rose; Mel will find me like before. I will have to find a way to earn money but with Mel hovering over on me it is next to impossible. I am trapped. Feeling worse and defeated. I decided to go back to her bedroom. At this moment I don't have any option. 

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