Chapter 34

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Zayn's POV,


I could feel only pain..physical ..mental...

Each passing minute I wished everything to stop.. 

I tried to free myself from Eva but to no avail. They had restrained me to her bed. She was more violent than Mel. Her every touch was painful on my body. She was keeping the promise she made to MEL. The moment MEL allowed her to have me I started regretting running away from her. I just want everything to get over. Everything is beyond my capacity to handle. 

Eva forced herself on me the entire night and in the morning she released me as promised. 

No tears left in my eyes to cry and no words left in my mouth to plead. 

Her men readied me to leave for MEL's apartment. They made me sit in the car and started driving. 

My mind was numb to the entire surrounding. 

They dropped me at the apartment door. I could see four new bodyguards standing near the apartment door. They punched in code in one device at the door to enter. Safety door of the apartment opened and they led me inside. I did not react as I knew Mel would come up with new methods to prevent my escape.

Mel was seated on the sofa. She was very calm, not reacting to my presence.  Slowly she stood up on her feet and approached me. 

I readied myself for the worst. She slapped me hard on the cheek and grabbed my hair. She came closer to my face and sneered. 

" Had fun with Eva?? Because of your stupidity I had to agree with her." Mel said, pulling my hair hard. 

" Listen here..listen to me carefully.. you can never escape from me. you can not hide from me on the back of this earth. I will find you and bring you back to me. YOU ARE MINE" She screamed on my face. my entire body trembled with fear. 

" YOU ARE MINE UNTIL DEATH DO US APART" MEL said slowly and dangerously. Her eyes had madness. I was scared to the bones with her obsession. Her voice kept on ringing in my ears. All the physical and mental torture took toll on me. I felt my eyes getting blurry and the entire room was spinning in a circle.  Darkness enveloped me. 

When I woke up I was again in the same room on the same bed. A helpless feeling washed over me. I slowly tried to sit up. My entire body was in pain. I slowly stood up and went to the washroom.  I washed my face in the washroom and looked up in the mirror.  My entire body shook at the sight of myself in the mirror. I slowly removed my shirt. My entire body was covered in hickies, teeth marks, scratches and a handprint on my cheek. My lips were swollen and cut. Both my wrists were bruised badly with marks of restraints. My neck was covered with finger marks and hickies. 

My entire body was in bad shape. Eva's face flashed in front of me looking at the fingerprint on my neck. Fear engulfed me. I started seeing flashes of her choking me, kissing, biting me. Her hands were touching me roughly leaving a feeling of thrones pricking my skin. I started breathing hard as I started having continuous flashes of  Eva forcing herself on me and finally taking me against my will.  Everything was closing down on me. I could not breathe, my entire body was having tremors of fear. I backed away from the mirror and ran outside the bathroom and collapsed on bed. I covered myself in a blanket hastily to create some sort of shield to protect me.

Suddenly the door opened and Eva entered the room. She started coming towards me. I started moving away from her but still she came near me. I shouted for help.

" Help! Help! Don't touch me.. please.. leave me.. please leave .. " I begged still, she started coming towards me and gripped my shoulder. I flinched violently and tried to move.

" Stop!!!!!!!" I screamed and started crying. She gripped both of my shoulders and to keep me still. I could see her face nearing me. I started breathing hard. My entire body was shivering with fear and it was difficult to breathe. I gasped for air and slowly my eyes got blurred. I could not see further, Last time when I opened and closed my eyes I could see Mel's panicked face  and only heard my name being repeatedly called. 

Author's Note:

Happy reading!

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