Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Bella's POV

Today again he ignored me. I am visiting café since 15 days now but every time I go there and try to talk to Zayn he just ignores me. I am getting discouraged and depress now. He has not even shared his name with me nor accepted my offer of car ride. Daily I ask him his name while paying on his counter but he doesn't even acknowledge my question. I ask him for car ride almost daily but he always refuses it. I don't know why he hates me so much. I was trying to make conversation. It was not like I asked him any inappropriate thing.

Melissa is always busy with one or another thing in the evening so I can't even ask her to come with me and help me with Zayn. I have not even told her about Zayn. I just keep on going to café in the evening and just seat in the corner and see Zayn. That is all I do. I have learnt his all expressions. I know his sad smile, true smile and his fake smile. I like how he gets surprised to see me every day at the counter. How he tries to avoid eye contact when I ask for his name as if he look into my eyes he will answer me. Every time I see him and find new thing about him. But I can't just seat here and wait for him anymore. I crave for his voice, I want him to smile for me, I want him to talk with me. I want to spend time with him. Everything about him makes me crazy and pulls me towards him.

I can't even think about anything else. At home I think about him and at café I just see him. All I could do is think about him. Aunt has started thinking that I don't like staying here but I can't tell her that I have fallen in love with someone who doesn't even acknowledge my existence. I was never a girl who will chase after boys but this boy is making me break my all rules. I know where he lives. Yes... I have followed him one day but that was it. I was just curious to know where he lives.

Today I have decided that I will be asking him why he ignores me. I want to know it. Today I decided that I will not take my car with me. I took bus to the café. I sat at my usual place and waited for Zayn to come on duty. He came after 5mins. He didn't look at me. My heart started racing fast. He was looking more handsome than yesterday. I couldn't tear off my eyes from him. He greeted his colleagues and started working. I went up to him at the counter.

"Hii, good evening" I greeted him with a smile. He looked up at me with same surprise.

" Hii, good evening mam, what would you like to have? " He asked me politely.

"One coffee and sandwich please" I answered him and he just nodded.

"Hii, my name is Bella, what is yours?" I asked again. He didn't looked up at me and said" This is your bill mam, please pay the same." I sighed in disappointment. So this is it today also. Today also he has decided to ignore me. Why do I keep on hoping I don't know? Sometimes I feel that I should have switch off button for my feeling too so I could have switch my heart to someone else. I gave him the cash and returned to my place without saying anything. I looked at him from far. He was quite for sometime then again he started working like nothing has happened. Does he even think about me? Ohh god this is being too much for me to handle. This boy is so confusing.

I waited for his duty to get over. As soon as clock strikes 10pm, I left the café and waited for him on the bus stop. After sometime I saw him walking towards bus stop. He was looking tired and quite. I felt bad for him. He stopped as he saw me standing at bus stop. He looked surprised, might be wondering about my car. He slowly came at bus stop and stood 4ft far from me. I slowly walked towards him and coughed to get his attention. He was busy looking something on his mobile.

"I didn't take my car today". I said randomly. He looked up at me surprised. He didn't say anything so I carried on. "So I can't offer you car ride today. It is not liked you have accepted it any of my earlier offers. But I just felt like to inform you."

He again kept quiet and looked at his phone impatiently as if he wanted time to pass quickly. I was feeling sad about it. He didn't even want to look at me. What have I ever done to him to treat me like this? I couldn't control myself before words left my mouth. "Why do you hate me Zayn?"

He turned his head quickly to me and stared at me as if he was completely speechless.

"I... mean...I. I don't...." He stuttered.

"What you don't Zayn? Please tell me. I have been asking for your name since last 15 days and offering you car ride too. Do you think I am some cheap girl or what? If you do, then let me clear myself that I don't. I am a well educated girl from this town who had stayed in InBella for last 3 years for college. I will be getting degree of social worker in next couple of months. I have hardly dated any guy over there and here too. I am not interested in cheap one night stands or flings. I just wanted to have a normal conversation with you. But every time I started you just blew me off. I should have known that guys with looks like you must have a fat ego that can't even have a decent conversation without giving any sort of attitude. I am sorry that I have bothered you so long." With this outburst I turned around and tried to blink tears in my eyes. I was feeling like a stupid person.

"Zayn, my name is Zayn. I work here in 5 spice café since one year and I also go to college. It is my last year too." He answered in low voice. I turned to him in surprise. His face was guilty and looking at me with sheepish smile. Ohh how I love his smile! I returned his smile. We were now facing each other. I stared in his eyes, suddenly bus pulled over next to us. We jumped in surprise. We both climbed in the bus and took seat next to each other.

In the bus we talked about our likes dislikes, favorite games, tv shows and movies. It was fun talking with him. I wanted to talk with him till no end but sadly his stop came and he got down waving at me.

Today is my happiest day in my life. I made him talk to me and smile too. I hope he develops feeling for me.

Authors Note:

Yay!! Zayn talked with her... Bella is too happy. Guys stay tuned with me .

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