Chapter 39

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Zayn's POV

I have had this bad feeling since Rose's birthday. Atmosphere at home was always tense. Mel was very much stressed with work. She started snapping at us for small things. She was clingy with me. Her moods were always changing. Me and John were being cautious while around her. I sense that she is hiding something from me. 

I occasionally tried to ask her why she is so stressed but she always brushed me off. I told her I can help her with her work and she doesn't have to get stressed with work. On this she said that she doesn't need my help in her office work but I can help her to relieve her stress by "other methods".  My request to help her always ended up in bed. I have stopped thinking about myself as a sex object but Mel's behavior leaves me dejected.  She still doesn't think of me as an equal partner in a relationship. 

15 days after Rose's birthday party , I was playing with Rose in my bedroom. She was running around in the room with her ball.  We were laughing a lot. Rose wanted to go out of the bedroom and play in our lounge area but Mel was working in her home office with some guests. I could not leave her in the lounge as Rose might disrupt Mel's meeting. We waited in the bedroom; after sometime I called John to ask if her guests left the office or not. He said they just left our apartment. I thought I would get Rose  ready to visit the nearby garden so I took her to the bathtub in my bedroom. She loves to play in the bathtub. I made a bubble bath for her and put her in the bathtub. She was giggling and playing in the bathtub. I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub. She splashed water on me repeatedly soaking my clothes completely. We were both laughing at each other. 

"wow! cute.." I heard someone saying. I turned around to see Ms Scarlet was standing at the door of the bathroom. She was looking at me intensely. I immediately stood up and pulled Rose out of the water. I grabbed a nearby towel and wrapped her in it. 

" Excuse me?" I furrowed my eyebrows and asked Ms Scarlet. 

" I forgot my purse in Melissa's office. I came back to collect it  and while I was on my way to leave I heard cute giggling of your daughter. I could not resist so I waltz in to see her."  She said, looking at me from head to toe. Her gaze made me uncomfortable. I was completely soaked in water and my shirt was sticking to my body. I was in casual clothes at home and did not expect an outsider to see me in these clothes. 

"Okay. Thanks for the compliment. I request you to be seated in the lounge. I will ask Mel to join you immediately." I told her to avoid her gaze and tried to shield my upper body by placing Rose in front of me. I waited for her to move back or leave the room but she did not move a bit. 

" Excuse me mam? I need to get out of the bathroom. Will you please move aside?" I asked Ms Scarlet. I was nervous. If Mel sees Ms Scarlet here in the bedroom she will have bad thoughts. 

Scarlet just moved a bit in the door frame and gave me some space to go out but that space was so small that our bodies would get brushed together if I left that space. 

I cleared my throat and said" Please give me some space to leave". 

She smirked at me and gave me enough space to leave the bathroom. I started moving to go out so when I passed by scarlet she grabbed my arm to stop me. I froze. Rose was moving in my arms so I immediately freed myself and moved away from her. 

Scarlet came closer to me and kept her heavy gaze on me and said " You should try modeling. Your features are breathtaking. I know how to keep a precious person like you happy. Rather than wasting your youth on such trivial things you can do much better." 

I immediately moved to the bathroom again and closed the door on her face and said sorry I have something to do. I waited until Scarlet left my bedroom and came out. I quickly locked the door of my bedroom and changed. This scarlet is really scary. Her intentions are not good at all. 

In the night when Mel came into the bedroom after dinner. I was resting in my bed. Rose was fast asleep. Mel came near me and snuggled with me. She smiled at me and tried to kiss me. I moved my head to another direction. She frowned at me and said " what happened?''

"I don't want Ms Scarlet to come into our home. I don't like her, You should stay away from her." I told her nervously. 

" Why what happened? " Mel asked me. 

" Nothing happened but do you want to wait until something happens? I don't get positive vibes from her. " I snapped at her. 

" Zayn, She is our investor. I am looking for expansion and she is willing to invest a lot. This will certainly help me a lot." Mel tried to reason with me. 

" I am warning you. She should not take your advantage. I don't feel comfortable around her. Her gaze is not pure. " I tried to give a hint to Mel. 

" Oh I see.. I will be cautious next time. She doesn't know what I can do if anyone comes near you". Mel looked at me dangerously.  I just wanted to warn Mel about scarlet. I smiled at her. I felt better with her response.

As days passed I did not think much about the incident with Scarlet. one day I was watching the news on tv. Live news flashed in front of me. 

Mel was being arrested for mass food poisoning at all her hotels. It happened at the same time. My head was throbbing and I could not think of anything. I called out for John. I asked him to look after Rose and rushed to the main office of Mel. I asked my bodyguard to take me to Mel's office. When I reached there was a huge mob of media, hostel customers and ambulances rushing in and out. I made my way inside the hotel and into the main office. Mel's staff told me that she was taken by police officers for enquiry. They have arrested her. My entire body was trembling and I was scared. I asked her secretary to look for a lawyer. She said our company accounts were also frozen by the bank as we were not able to pay the EMI. I was shocked. The only account which we can access is Mel's personal account. Details of this account were with her. I asked her secretary to accompany me to the police station to meet Mel. 

We both went to the police station. When we were about to enter the police station we saw Mel coming out with lawyers. I felt relieved. I went to her and was about to ask her what happened. Mel looked at me surprised. She asked me to wait and discussed something with lawyers. I went back and waited for her in the car. Mel came back 20 mins later. She was looking exhausted. She sat in the car beside me. I asked the driver to take us home but Mel stopped me. 

" Wait, someone is coming with us." Mel said

" Who?" I frowned. 

" The one who helped me to get bail and freed me temporarily." Mel answered calmly. before I can ask her who that person Ms Scarlet walked in. She smiled at both of us and joined us in the car in the passenger seat. 

I was so lost. I had many questions running in my mind. 

Why were Mel's accounts frozen?

Why did Mel take a huge loan? 

Why did Ms Scarlet help her? 

Author's Note: 

Here is the next chapter. I will try to upload the next chapter sooner. Happy reading!! 

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