chapter 18

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Bella'S POV,

I am very much grateful to zayn for accepting my sister. I know he has sacrificed his life for me. I have another responsibility, i.e. to tell Mel to take care of Zayn carefully. Give him love which he deserves. I went into Mel's bedroom. I knocked before entering her room.  a soft voice came from the other side of the door. 

"Come in". 

" How are you?" I asked Mel. looking at her teary eyed. 

" I am good." She said with so much sadness in her voice. 

I immediately went to her and clasped her hand. 

" I have good news for you Mel".  She frowned at me. 

" I went to meet Zayn to propose to him to marry you. He has agreed to marry you. He wants to give your love a chance!! I informed her excitedly but inside I was breaking. 

Mel could not believe me. 

" Are you kidding me? Tell me you're not joking? 

' Yes! yes! yes! He said yes. I will bring him here tomorrow to meet you." I assured her. 

Mel hugged me tight and cried. She kept on mumbling thank you ! Thank you !

I soothed her and made her sleep on the bed, She looked very fragile. I quietly left her bedroom and went to mine. Exhaustion took over my body and I slept.  

Next day I messaged Zayn to come over to our house to meet Mel. He was reluctant at first then finally he agreed to visit. I informed Mel to get ready. I also wanted to update my Uncle and aunt about current events. I explained to them what all happened with Mel and Zayn. I deliberately did not tell my family about my relationship with Zayn. I told them I got his number from Mel's phone and I contacted him to convince him. They were very much thankful to me. I showed them Zayn's picture. They were very much awed with Zayn's beauty. We stopped talking when we heard the doorbell ring. I went to get the door. 

I opened the door to find Zayn standing in the door with flowers in his hand. He was looking nervous. I let him in the house and led him to the kitchen. Uncle and aunt greeted him. They were awestruck by him. Aunt hugged him and thanked him for saving Mel's life. I could not hold my tears as well. Zayn was very much awkward. He patted Aunt's back and soothed her. 

Uncle shaked Zayn's hand and expressed his gratitude as well. 

" I think Zayn, you should meet Mel first." I suggested. 

" Hmm" He nodded. 

I led him upstairs to Mel's bedroom. 

" Thanks for coming" I said while climbing the stairs. 

" You are welcome". Zayn gave me a nervous smile. 

I knocked on Mel's bedroom door and entered. 

" Mel was sitting on the bed. She has a happy glint in her eyes. She gave a nervous smile to Zayn. She was looking at him like he was some star. 

" Hi".. Mel greeted Zayn. 

Zayn was glued to his place. He was hesitant to go near Mel. I put my hand over his shoulder and guided him to sit beside Mel. He sat near Mel. 

" How are you?" Zayn asked Mel timidly. 

" Now that you are here I am feeling good. In fact I never felt better than today. " Mel was smiling ear to ear. 

I could not bear the awkward tension between all of us so I turned to leave but a hand grasped my wrist. I turned back to see it was Zayn. His eyes were pleading with me to stay with him but I couldn't stand it. I will have to give them some privacy to discuss about themselves. I slowly but gently freed my wrist from Zayn's grasp. Mel was looking at us with an unreadable expression. I turned and quickly left the room. This is going to be very difficult for me. 

Author's note:

Hey readers,

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