Chapter 31

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Zayn's POV,

I sat on the floor for a long time then tried to stand up. I reached for my clothes and started wearing clothes with trembling hands. Suddenly Mel grabbed me by my forearm and pulled me on the bed. I gasped and panicked. She was so fast that I did not realise when she came on top of me and started kissing my neck. My entire body trembled under her. Flashes of earlier events went through my eyes and I freezed. Tears started to leak through my eyes. I don't want to go through this torment again. It's not even 6 hours since She assaulted me and I am going through another episode. I did not have any strength to protect myself. I was totally at her mercy. She had gripped my wrists hard, bruising my already bruised wrists. I could feel pain in my entire body. I can only feel pain and fear inside me. I was waiting for her assault to get over.

She released me after some time and drifted off to sleep. I could not hold myself. I cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up I felt hot all over my body. Something cool was placed on my forehead. I opened my eyes to see I was sleeping on a bed with a blanket draped over my body. I was feeling thirsty. I tried to sit up but my head was spinning so I fell back on bed. I looked around and found myself still in Mel's bed. I sighed in relief when I did not see her in the room. Suddenly the door to the room opened and I panicked. I was not ready for another assault. I was shivering with fear. I clutched the blankets tightly. An old man nearing 60yrs entered the room holding a tray with a Bowl on top of it. I panicked more as he neared me. I closed my eyes as he reached near the bed. I could feel him setting up a tray on the bedside table.

He cleared his throat and said" ahmm.. I am John. I am madam Mel's servant. Madam has asked me to take care of you. When I came in you were burning up with fever. So I cleaned you up and gave you medicine. I have bandage up..yo..ur wounds as well" He said the last sentence nervously. I opened my eyes and looked at him. I could see his discomfort and something more.

He sat down on the bed beside me. I flinched at his closeness. He also startled at my reaction.

" I..a...m Sorry. " He stuttered again and looked at me.

" Sir, Please have this soup. you will feel better." John said softly.

" I don't want to. I don't feel like eating." I mumbled.

" Please sir.. Mel mam will get upset." He said worriedly. Mention of her name made me fear. I tried to sit up. John immediately moved to help me. He made me sit up in bed. I saw my wrist had bandages. I felt my ankles bandaged up. John fed me soup with spoon. He was looking at me tenderly. I looked away from him. He gave me medicine and started to leave the room but he turned back and looked at me with sympathy.

" Please take care. Call me if you need anything." He said worriedly.

" Why do you care? " I asked him.

" I am hired to take care of you. Besides this now I want to take care of you not just for money." He gave me a small smile and left.

I could not sleep. I could not shake off the feeling of Mel's hands on me. I missed Bella so much but her thoughts made me more helpless. Mel has hired a servant to keep watch on me. I saw a small camera in the corner of the ceiling. I started feeling uncomfortable by the thought of Mel watching me through cameras. She has not even bothered about my privacy. I could laugh at the irony. She has violated my privacy in every possible way.

I drifted off to sleep after a while. I could feel Mel coming to me. She grabbed my face and started to kiss me harshly. I was in pain. I could not free myself. She started undressing me. I started to struggle and push her off. I screamed and begged her to leave me. '

I screamed.

" No! No!..Plz stop this! Plz! Plz!" I was pleading but she did not stop. I pushed her hard and got up.

I opened my eyes to see I was alone in the room. It was a nightmare but felt so real. I was breathing heavily. I tried to control my breath. I did not hear the door opening. Mel entered the room and called out to me.

" Zayn.. my love? Were you waiting for me? " I moved my head No. She slowly approached my bed. Lust was evident in her eyes. I was shivering with fear. She climbed on the bed and came near to me. I closed my eyes tightly praying that this be a nightmare. She kept her hand on my shoulder and I flinched hard. I opened my eyes and panicked. She was gazing heavily at me. She pushed me on bed and slowly came closer to my face.. closing the distance between us. I feft her lips pressing on my lips. I closed my eyes to face an inevitable.

The line between reality and nightmare became blurred. My nightmare turned into reality. The pain, fear and emptiness I felt earlier came back to me in threefold threshold.

Authors Note:

Happy reading!! Thanks for voting and reading my book.

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