Chapter 44

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Bella's POV,

Zayn stopped talking. We both sat in the room with dead silence. None of us uttered a word for 5 minutes. Zayn was lost in his own thoughts. His face was drenched in tears and bruises. My heart broke for the 100th time in this one hour. I could not stop my tears. I was feeling to scream on top of my lungs, cry, thrash around and mostly beat Mel to the pulp. I never felt so much anger and hatred for someone. I never imagined that a day would come when I would hate Mel. 

It is torture to see zayn broken to such extent. 

" Zayn, when I entered your house; you were in a bad state in your room..I mean..n..naked and bruised. What had happened?  I asked him hesitantly. I was feeling so guilty for asking him this but I wanted to know what happened to him.  He looked at me absent minded. 

" I was gang raped..Mel..wanted me to have group sex.." Zayn whispered while lowering his head. 

" WHAT!!!!" I was shocked. 

" Yes. She wanted to earn more money in one night. She had taken payment from those women but I refused. It never mattered to her. She went ahead and asked them if I don't cooperate they can force me. This will teach me a lesson; not to disobey her." Zayn answered. His voice was void of any emotions. 

My heart clenched. My heart beats increased. A sob escaped from my throat. I couldn't hold myself. I cried. None of us said anything. We just sat frozen in our place and cried. 

" Bella"... Zayn whispered. I looked at him. He had wiped his tears. I just looked at him. 

" Let me go now. I need to see Rose. I am out for a long time. Mel must have been searching for me. If I don't go sooner then I will be in trouble. Thank you for tending to my wounds. I owe you that." Zayn said. 

" NO!!!!!, You can't go. I won't let you go. She is a monster." I screamed at Zayn in panic. He was startled. 

" I need to go. You don't understand" He said. 

" No!! you don't understand. You were gang raped. God knows what more she will do if you go to her." I panicked. 

Zayn gave me a sarcastic smile. 

" This is 2nd time I am gang raped. First time she apologized to me and said she will not repeat. Don't worry. I will adjust to this as well as I have adjusted to other things." Zayn said with no hint of emotions in his voice. 

" No zayn!! How can you say this??? Please don't go. I will help you to get out of this." I desperately tried to convince him. He motioned No with his head. 

" Bella, Let me go. Mel is dangerous. I don't need your help. I will survive. My first priority is my daughter. Once I see her I will feel good. She makes me feel pure. I am so tainted. She is my survival support. I will go crazy if I don't see her in the next 5 minutes. I beg you.." Zayn softly pleaded. He felt drained and weak. 

I felt conflicted. One one hand I could understand zayn's desperate plea to meet his daughter but on the other hand I am too scared to send him to the den of a lion. I just nodded at him. I immediately called my aunt. 

" Hello's me bella" I said through the phone.  

"Oh!! Bella.. where are you? Why didn't you call me? we didn't know you were here but Mel told me." Aunt said in a hurt voice. 

" Aunt.. I will explain everything to you in detail. First tell me is Rose with you now? " I asked her hurriedly. 

" Yes.. she was with me but just now Mel came and took Rose with her. why? What happened? " Aunt answered confusedly. 

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