Chapter 11

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Zayn's POV,

Ever since I have started working at main office of 5 spice cafe. I have been more busy. I wonder if Bella will be upset if I can't make it to meet her near her office. It is considerably far from my office. She always insist to come near my work place but I refuse to meet her at my work place. I don't want to mix up my professional and personal life. Today is important day in my office as our new boss will be visiting our office. Someone from big enterprise has taken over our cafe business. They have decided to keep same brand name but operations of the business will be handled by them. I am nervous as hell because whenever this mergers and takeovers happens employees at our level suffers the most. I could just pray that my new boss would be nice to me and let me continue working here. 

We have been instructed to be on time today to meet our new boss. Everyone of us had bought banquet of flowers to gift them as a token of congratulations and welcome gift. We were all waiting for our new boss patiently as they entered in our office building. When doors of the building were open and new boss entered my face paled and flowers in my hand dropped on floor as my nightmare...melissa stands in front of me. 

She smirked at me and extended her hand towards me to shake my hand. She took my hand in hers and came closer to me and whispered to me" Got you"!

I was shocked was an understatement. I slowly pulled my hand from hers nervously. I immediately picked up flowers scattered on the floor. I gave those to my collogues. I excused everyone present there and straight went to washroom.  I grabbed the sink very tightly until my knuckles went white. My worst night mare is in the same building as me. In college I could escape her but how do I escape from here. She is the boss and she owns the building ..the hell she owns the entire business. 

I splashed water on my face. Calmed myself and left the bathroom to greet devil. When I returned to my desk. Everyone was seated in their respective places. 

My friend Ryan asked me" Where were you? Everyone introduced themselves to new Boss. She greeted everyone of us. you were not there. Our HOD was angry that you were not here. At first you messed up at her entrance and left and on top of that you came late".

Our HOD Mr Willium asked me to meet new boss in her cabin and greet her.  I nodded at him and left towards her cabin. I softly knocked on her office door. I could hear a '' come in" voice from Inside her office. I slowly opened door of her office and peaked In her office. My eyes were searching she devil but she was not there in her chair. Maybe she is in her washroom. So I slowly entered in her cabin but suddenly wind knocked out of my lungs. I wash pushed against inside of office wall as she hold me firmly. Melissa was inches a away from me. I was terrified was an understatement. Her stare was intense on me. She kept looking at me. I tried to push her shoulders to create some distance between us but instead she came closer to me.  Her lips were so close to me and her breath was fanning over my face. I  was getting nervous by minute passing. Before she could press on my lips out of instinct I faced away from her and her lips landed on my neck. Her grip on me loosened and I pushed her away from me. 

" what are you doing?  we are in office!  I whisper shouted at her. 

" will you let me do it if we are not in office" She smirked.

" No! It will never happen. You are my boss and I am your employee. I don't want to change that.  This is not college so please stop messing around with me. This job is important for me so please don't do something which we both will regret." I replied. I looked at her hoping my words would knock some sense into her. 

As usual she was unfazed. She was looking at me like I was her pray. I cleared my throat and stepped back. 

" I don't think I need to introduce myself to you mam as you know me very well.  I will be going now. I will be available again whenever you have to talk any thing WORK RELATED". I emphasized on Work so that she would get a memo behind my words. 

I did not wait to see her reaction. I quickly went to washroom and wiped her lips mark on my neck. I felt disgusted looking at it. I am feeling guilty for Bella as I could not meet her and then this happened. I am suddenly feeling like she has sucked all my energy. 

When I was thinking that my life is perfect then this has happened. I have to avoid melissa at any cost. This job is important for me and I can't loose it because of some obsessive girl.    

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