Chapter 40

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Zayn's POV,

We arrived home after a 20 mins car ride. Entire car ride I was nervous. I wanted to know what is happening with Mel. Once we reached home John came to me with Rose. He was also worried. Mel and Scarlet sat in the living room. I gestured to John to bring water for both of them. He gave Rose to me and left in the kitchen. I sat beside Mel with Rose in my lap. 

" Mel, how are you? Are you okay? Do you need something to eat?" I asked her. She refused.  I looked at the scarlet she was looking at me. I diverted my eyes and looked at Rose. 

" Don't worry Mel. I have handled this.  I will try to settle this matter out of court. " Scarlet assured Mel. 

" Mel.. what happened? How did things get so out of hand? I asked her to keep quiet. 

" Go in bedroom Zayn. I will explain to you later. Now I need to discuss something with Ms Scarlet. " Mel said. 

" Why? I want to be here. I am equally worried about you. I need to know you are safe." I tried to be stubborn. 

" Zayn!! don't let me repeat myself. I will meet you after sometime." Mel half shouted at me. I was startled and left in my bedroom. 

I was upset and angry with Mel. In this situation rather than discussing with me about all this issue she is treating me as a child. As if I don't have any brain to understand. It is obvious that someone framed her. How is it possible to have food poisoning incidence in all her branches at the same time? 

I waited for Mel anxiously in the bedroom. Rose was playing with her ball in the bedroom. John came into my room and picked up Rose. 

" I am taking Rose with me to play outside. Mel mam wants some alone time to talk with you. " John said and left. 

I sat on the bed while waiting for Mel. After a few minutes Mel entered the bedroom and sighed looking at me. She sat beside me and hugged me. I let her hold me sometime then slowly detached her from me. I kept her hand in mine and caressed it soothingly, 

" Mel.. what happened? I was worried. " I told her softly. She looked at me and grabbed my face. She brushed her thumb over my lips and leaned. She kissed me on the lips. She started kissing me passionately. I let her kiss me. I thought she was being emotional but then she started pushing me on the bed. She released my lips then moved towards my neck. She started kissing my neck leaving hickies. I tried pushing her.

" Mel.. plz...listen to me. Let's talk first. " I tried to reason with her and pushed her lightly. She did not listen to me and continued kissing my neck and collarbone. 

" Mel.. please .. leave me.." I tried pushing her hard this time. Mel looked at me with lust. 

" Zayn.. don't stop me now. let me have you, I need you." Mel whispered hoarsely. I stopped pushing her and let her have her way with me. 

Once Mel was finished she held me close.  I sighed. 

" will you tell me what happened ? I asked her again. 

"Zayn, our business was going into losses. That is the reason I wanted an investor. I had taken a loan keeping our two hotels as mortgage. We were not able to pay EMI of these loans. Ms Scarlet was willing to invest in our hotels and uplift our brand. In exchange I offered her one successful hotel of her choice. This will help me to retain our 3 hotels. I don't know how this food poisoning occurred. Scarlet got to know about this incident and my arrest.  She came to my rescue. This is a huge case. She pulled some strings and was able to arrange bail for me. As a hotel owner they filed a case against me. Scarlet is suspecting that someone has framed me. She has assured me that she will help me. " Mel explained to me. 

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