Episode 3 Help

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Y/n: don't touch me I need to go home I have a job!

Five: then let's do some conditions. I let you go to your job but you must return here

Y/n: just let me go. I won't talk about what I saw last night

Five: should I trust you mm idk

Y/n: you weirdo *you push him and make a run for it*

Ben: woah woah woah are you ok

Y/n: you freak *you keep running*

Five: *he gets up and teleports in front you*

Y/n: ahhh *you bump into five*

Five: you can't run from me

Y/n: help!!

Five: *covers your mouth* shhh you're going to wake them up *he takes his hand off*

Y/n: let me go!!

Five: that's enough *he throws you over his shoulder and takes you to his room*

Diego: five come here

Five: you better not try it again *he teleports downstairs* what

Diego: what are you gonna do with the girl

Five: I don't know diego

Ben: let her go

Five: get out of this ben now we're going to introduce ourselves *he teleports upstairs*

Y/n: can I go now?

Five: nope we're going to introduce ourselves let's go

*you both go downstairs*

Five: sit here

Allison: hi I'm Allison I have the power to rumor people

Y/n: hi Allison I'm y/n

Luther: hello I'm luther I have super strength

Y/n: h hi

*they all introduce themselves and now it's your turn*

I'm y/n I'm 21 I work night shifts at kfc and I live alone

All: welcome

Y/n: where is the restroom

Allison: upstairs to your left

Y/n: thank you *you get up and go upstairs*

Diego: she's fine

Klaus: my new friend *he smiles*

Five: don't even think about letting her go

Y/n: *you finish and go back downstairs* I'm back

Five: let's go to griddys

All: sure

*you all go to griddys*

Agnes: hello what can I get you all

Diego: hot chocolate please

Y/n: black coffee

Five: I'll take the same as hers

Allison: I'll get a cappuccino

Luther: I'll get a regular coffee

Klaus: I want something with alcohol

Agnes: sorry we don't have that here

Ben and vanya: we will get a hot chocolate please

Five: I'm going to the restroom *he gets up*

Ben: y/n now is your chance to leave

Y/n: wait what

Allison: he's a psycho go now before he comes

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