Episode 26 Freaky

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Y/n: this should do *checking yourself out*

Five: *teleports to his room and changes*

Y/n: *you spray some perfume on yourself*

Five: *walks in* ready?

Y/n: yes *fixing your dress*

Five: *looking up at down* you're going like that what if Austin finds out

Y/n: he doesn't have to right *you look at him*

Five: then we can keep it on the low *he walks up to you grabs you by the waist*

Y/n: if I had feelings for you then yes but since I don't no *you push him off*

Five: *scoffs* soon y/n

Y/n: let's go I don't have time for your crap

Five: let's go then *he holds you hand and teleports to a club*

Y/n: ahh my favorite *you sit at the bar*

Five: *sits next to you*

Y/n: give me the strongest you got

Bartender: you got it *he starts making the drink*

Five: I can't control myself when I'm drunk don't test me

Y/n: like if I care

Bartender: here is your drink

Y/n: thank you *you take a sip* wow impressive

Bartender: thank you beautiful

Y/n: so how old are you

Bartender: 22

Y/n: ahh my age cute

Five: *looks at you and whispers* you have a boyfriend

Y/n: *you whisper* it's all flirting nothing else

Bartender: so what's your name

Y/n: it's y/n

Bartender: nice name

Five: *jealous* so babe what other drink do you want

Bartender: you two are together?

Y/n: n-

Five: yes and I don't like the way you're flirting with her

Bartender: I apologize

Y/n: he's not my-

Five: can we get another drink please

Bartender: yes *he goes to the back room looking for a bottle*

Y/n: really five

Five: what he's literally flirting with you what do you want me to do I can kill right on the spot

Y/n: are you crazy you psycho

Five: don't test me y/n

Y/n: *mocking* don't test me y/n

Five: I'm gonna tell Austin

Y/n: do it I can easily rumor him

Five: no point

Y/n: you heard me

Five: whatever

Bartender: I'm back

Y/n: yay

*its been 2 hours and you are drunk and five is sober*

Y/n: I'll get another one

Five: that's enough drinks

Y/n: shut it

Bartender: feisty isn't she

Five: sorry we have to go here's the money *he puts money on the counter*

Y/n: I don't wanna go

Five: have a nice night *he picks you up and leaves*

Y/n: take me back

Five: no *he teleports to your room*

Y/n: sleep with me *playing with his tie*

Five: no you're gonna forget like today

Y/n: *you kiss five*

Five: what are you doing you have a boyfriend

Y/n: shh no ones home still *you start kissing fives neck*

Five: *gets turned on* shit *he starts making out with you*

Y/n: *you moan in his ear*

Five: that's it *he undress himself and puts protection*

Y/n: give it to me daddy

Five: you asked for it *he undressed you and puts it in*

Y/n: oh shit *you moan*

Five: I can't do this you have a boyfriend *he takes it out*

Y/n: but I want you *you sit him down and ride him*

Five: we shouldn't be doing this *moaning*

Y/n: shut up and enjoy *you moan*

Five: *puts his hands on your boobs* be mine

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