Episode 23 The Fam

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Y/n: ok *you grab the knife*

Ben: make sure to look at your target

Y/n: ok *you throw it and miss the target*

Ben: close enough one more time

Y/n: *you throw it again and hit it* I got it!

Ben: yes!! *you both hug*

Y/n: so I can rumor, control knives, teleport, turn invisible and I have vanyas power

Ben: cool but let's go eat you haven't ate have you

Y/n: no

Ben: come on let's go

*you guys go to the kitchen and make something*

Ben: smells good where did you learn

Y/n: myself and kfc taught me well

Ben: right

Y/n: but yours looks good

Ben: looks but idk about the taste

Y/n: I bet it's good *you get a call*
Hold on ben *you answer* hello

Austin: good morning beautiful how are you feeling

Y/n: hey I'm doing well just cooking with Ben remember

Austin: yeah I was gonna ask you out for breakfast but seems like you're making some *he laughs*

Y/n: you should come over for the family can meet you

Austin: sure I'll be there in 10 need anything

Y/n: no I think we're good I'll be here bye love *you hang up*

Ben: the nurse

Y/n: yup he's coming over!

Klaus: who is *drunk*

Y/n: my boyfriend

Klaus: boyfriend?! *he yells* y/ns boyfriend is coming *yelling*

Y/n: klaus!

Five: *hears and teleports downstairs*
Who's coming

Y/n: my boyfriend

Allison: *running down* he's coming?!

Y/n: yes you can finally meet him

Allison: eee Im excited

Y/n: he will be here in 10 minutes

Dolores: *downstairs* good morning

Y/n: good morning I'm gonna go change *you teleport upstairs*

Y/n: good morning I'm gonna go change *you teleport upstairs*

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Ben: Allison hurry try this

Allison: ok *she tries his soup* it needs a little more salt

Ben: cool *he adds a bit more*

*10 minutes later there's a knock*

Y/n: that must be him *you open the door and see austin* babe

Austin: hey *he kisses you* I brought a chocolate cake

Y/n: thanks come in

Ben: hi nurse

Austin: oh hi Ben right just call me Austin nice to see you again

Dolores: *whispers to five* wow he's handsome

Five: *looks at her and looks back*

Allison: you must be the nurse y/n won't stop talking about

Austin: is that true *he looks at you smiling*

Y/n: noooo *hiding your face*

Klaus: oh hello y/ns boyfriend I'm klaus want a drink

Austin: hello klaus I'm ok thank you

Luther: hello Austin I'm luther

Austin: hello Luther

Vanya: hi I'm vanya

Austin: hello vanya

Five: hello again nurse

Austin: oh hi five right nice to see you again *he smiles*

Y/n: have a seat

Austin: ok *he places the cake down and sits*

Klaus: so Austin tell me about yourself have you and y/n yk

Y/n: klaus! *you kick his leg* I'm sorry my brother is not ok right now

Klaus: oww

Austin: it's alright and we haven't

Y/n: we just started dating

Ben: alright here is the food *he puts it down*

Y/n: thanks Ben

Ben: of course

Y/n: here have some *you smile*

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