Episode 40 Vacation

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Y/n: yeah *you walk around in pain*

Mathew: anything?

Y/n: no it's all clear

Mathew: ok I'm gonna walk around through the back

Y/n: cool

*hours later it's time to go to bed*

Y/n: finally *you through yourself on the bed*

*the next morning*

Y/n: *you wake up from a knock* who is it

Fernando: it's me y/n

Y/n: boss *you change and run to the door and open it* yes?

Fernando: I have some business to take care of for a week I need you to come with me

Y/n: yes sir

Fernando: pack up we are going to Rome

Y/n: R Rome?

Fernando: yes Ryan will be tagging along you won't be lonely

Y/n: o ok I'll start packing right away

Fernando: be ready in 20

Y/n: yes sir *you close the door and start packing and call five*

Five pov: *he gets a call from you and answers* hello princess

Y/n: five I'm going to Rome for my job I won't be able to see you guys for about a week

Five: Rome? For a week?

Y/n: yes I'm pretty sure he needs protection

Five: are you alone

Y/n: yeah why

Five: I'll see you now *he hangs up and teleports to your room*

Y/n: wait what that's weird

Five: hello

Y/n: *you take out a knife and look at five* holy shit five

Five: calm down it's just me *he smiles*

Y/n: what are you doing here? *putting the knife away*

Five: since you are leaving I wanted to visit you before you leave

Y/n: oh I didn't expect you to be here that quick

Five: *he gets closer and hugs you* I can't miss it

Y/n: *you look at him and kiss him* I'm glad you're here

*theres a knock*

Y/n: yes?

Ryan: hey y/n it's me Ryan

Y/n: coming stay here *you kiss and and go to the door and open it* hey

Ryan: hey my uncle said to take something nice to wear we are going out when we go there

Y/n: got it thank you Ryan

Ryan: of course *he smiles and walks away*

Y/n: *you smile then close the door and look at five*

Five: *he opens his arms for you*

Y/n: *you walk towards him and hug him*

Five: *he hugs back* I might have a lot of work to do I'll try my best to call

Y/n: like?

Five: killing

Y/n: killing?

Five: yes it's the way I can you and the family safe

Y/n: from who?

Five: doesn't matter *he kisses your forehead*

Y/n: I'm gonna miss you

Five: I'm gonna miss you *he kisses you*  

Y/n shit five I need to pack quick *you laugh and start packing clothes*

Five: *sees you packing a thong* what is that

Y/n: what is what?

Five: that *he grabs it from your bag and holds it up*

Y/n: five *you snatch it from him and hide it in your bag* it's underwear

Five: revealing

Y/n: no ones gonna see it *you laugh* or maybe *you wink at five*

Five: *grabs you by the waist and pulls you in close* it's only for me to see *he kisses you passionately*

Y/n: *you pull away* I have to finish

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