Episode 42 Hospital

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*at the academy*

Five: shit shit shit y/n!

Allison: what's going on?

Five: y/n went to Rome with the guy she's working for and we were talking on the phone and suddenly there was gunshots and she hung up *panicking*

Allison: everything will be ok five just relax ok *comforting him*

Five: I need to see her

Allison: no five stay she'll be fine she's strong

*back to you*

Y/n: boss *you run to him*

Fernando: they got my leg

Y/n: shit ok I'm gonna teleport to a hospital nearby

Fernando: there's one a couple minutes away

Y/n: let me take care of this first ok it'll be quick stay here *you stand up and feel your body heating up*

Ryan: y/n!! Run!

Y/n: *your eyes turn yellow orangish and a ring fire surrounds you and men*

Ryan: y/n!

Y/n: hello boys *you give them an evil smile*

Boys: shoot her!

Y/n: I heard a rumor you in the model shot your friends*

*the main guy eyes go whitto and he shoots his partners*

Y/n: *everything goes back to normal* omg omg I I have a new power

Ryan: y/n *he hugs you* are you ok?

Y/n: I'm ok wait boss *you run back to where he is and he's slowly closing his eyes*

Ryan: tio!

Y/n: I got it help me I'm gonna teleport

Ryan: ok *he picks him uo*

Y/n: *you hold his hand and teleport to the hospital*

Ryan: somebody help!!

Doctor: bring him now

Ryan: *rushes with the doctor*

Y/n: *you stay at the desk out of breath* excuse me is there a phone I can borrow?

Nurse: yes right there *pointing*

Y/n: thank you *you dial and call five*

Five: hold on *he gets a call and answers the phone* hello

Y/n: f five it's me y/n

Five: y/n! Princess are you ok?!

Y/n: everything is ok but there's something else...

Five: what is it?

Y/n: I discovered a new power I was mad and my body started feeling heated and it just happened

Five: y/n we need to check you to see how many powers you have there's something I have to tell you

Y/n: what is it

Five: there is someone after you that I know that is planning to get you because I did something I shouldn't have done

Y/n: what do you mean

Five: the handler *he explains what she does and that he left and she's after him but found out about you*

Y/n: I'll be fine five ok I love you

Ryan: y/n there you are they said he'll be fine

Y/n: oh ok I'm gonna see him right now

Ryan: he's asleep let's go y/n I know you don't have much energy

Y/n: sure *you smile* babe I gotta go ok

Five: be careful I love you

Y/n: good bye I love you *you hang up* let's go


I hope the story isn't very confusing. I added so many things to it. I hope you guys like the story 😊

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