Episode 27 Breakfast

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Y/n: too soon *you keep riding him*

Five: why not you seem to enjoy it right now

Y/n: because I'm drunk *you kiss five*

Five: then we can't being doing this if it doesn't mean anything *he gets you off and changes*

Y/n: ehh your loss *you fall asleep*

Five: *in his mind (I just want you all to myself)* night *he leaves*

*time jump: it's been 1 month and you and Austin breakup because it wasn't working out and you start catching feelings for five but he doesn't know*

Y/n: good morning lovely people

Allison: good morning you seem to be in a good mood

Y/n: I am I woke up and had a great feeling

Allison: what are the plans for today

Y/n: nothing much just staying here at home

Allison: cool *she laughs*

Five: *comes in with a girl* hey guys meet Kimberly

Kimberly: hello I'm Kimberly fives girlfriend

Y/n: *your mood changes a bit* hello Kimberly I'm y/n

Kimberly: hi y/n nice to meet you

Y/n: well i'll get going I have some business to take care of *you smile and go upstairs*

Five: come with me kim I'll give you your breakfast *he winks*

Kimberly: ok *she smiles*

Five: excuse us *he takes her to his room*

Kim: so...

Five: *pins her to the wall* let's have fun *kissing her*

Kim: ok *she smirks*

*a couple minutes later*

Y/n: *you hear moaning* is that f five?

Kim: yes daddy *moaning*

Y/n: should I *you get a bit jealous* shit why am I jealous

Five: *goes harder for her to yell to make you jealous* louder

Kim: *moaning loud*

Y/n: ok y/n time to lighten up that's really annoying *you get up and play a song and start singing*

Ben: *hears you singing and goes to your room* hey

Y/n: hey come join me *you pull him inside*

*you and Ben start singing*

Five: *hears you both singing and stops*

Kim: why did you stop *hears you* wow she can sing

Five: I can't concentrate *he gets dressed and goes to your room and sees you and Ben*

Y/n: and done

Ben: that was so good you sing good!!

Y/n: thank you but you sing much better *you hug him and see five* do you need help

Five: can you keep quiet

Y/n: I would like to say the same the moaning it's really annoying

Ben: the what *in shock*

Five: *gets mad and embarrassed* ben get out we need to talk ALONE

Ben: *looks at you and whispers* your choice

Y/n: just go

Ben: ok *he leaves*

Y/n: what do you want

Five: did you really have to say that out loud!

Y/n: yeah it got really annoying

Five: are you sure it got annoying or you're jealous

Y/n: I'm not jealous

Five: seems like you are *he closes the door and walks towards you* you know I don't even like her

Y/n: and why do I care *backing up*

Five: oh I know you miss me *walking towards you*

Y/n: no I don't *you bump into the wall*

Five: *pins you* you sure

Y/n: I'm sure

Five: me and Kimberly are going on a date at 7 you can come make sure to get ready *he kisses you and walks away*

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