Episode 37 (freaky)

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Y/n: five *you hug him back*

Five: *kisses you*

Y/n: *you kiss back*

Allison: you're back! *she hugs you*

Y/n: heyy *you hug her back* I'm gonna use the restroom

Allison: yeah of course

Y/n: *you teleport to the bathroom*

Five: *teleports outside the bathroom*

Y/n: *you wash your hands and walk out*

Five: *pins you to the wall*

Y/n: f five what are you doing

Five: *he starts kissing your neck slowly*

Y/n: *soft moan*

Five: *he picks you up and puts you on the bathroom counter*

Y/n: I missed you daddy

Five: dammit y/n *he undresses you*

Y/n: *you undress him and make out with him*

Five: *grabs a condom from the bathroom cabinet and puts it on*

Y/n: put it in me

Five: yes princess *he sticks it in*

Y/n: fuck *moaning*

Five: shh let's go to the room*he picks you up and teleports to the bed*

Y/n: go daddy

Five: if you say so princess *he puts in and goes hard*

Y/n: *you cover your mouth to not make noise* mmm

Five: *goes harder*

Y/n: daddy *low moan*

Five: I love you y/n *keeps going*

Y/n: I love you more *moaning*

Five: *he takes it out and puts his fingers in*

Y/n: omg *moaning* I'm gonna cum

Five: wait *he goes down to your part* go

Y/n: *you cum and he cleans you up*

Five: there's too many people here we can do more another time

Y/n: shh *you take the condom off him and give him head*

Five: y/n *pushing your head deeper*

*2 minutes later*

Y/n: all done *you get up*

Five: *kisses you* let's go back to the others

Y/n: ok *you change*

Five: *changes* I'm ready

Y/n: let's go *you both teleport downstairs*

Allison: hey what took so long

Y/n: five was showing me his room and some things he did

Allison: oh well are you hungry

Y/n: I ate over there but I wanted to let you guys know my boss invited you guys over for dinner

Allison: really?

Y/n: yes and you can meet Ryan *you smile*

Ben: Ryan?

Y/n: his nephew my friend

Five: your friend?

Y/n: yeah I met him when I moved there he lives there

Diego: what time *sharpening his knife*

Y/n: 7:30 exact

Ben: it's 4:30

Y/n: well we can go early and you can get a tour

Vanya: yes can we change over there?

Y/n: uh sure take your clothes

Allison: ok

*they all pack what they are going to wear and you all go to the house*

Y/n: welcome to my uh job *you smile*

Allison: I thought our house was huge

Y/n: your is y'all have a bunch of stairs

Allison: but it's beautiful here

Mathew: hey y/n

Y/n: hey is boss in there

Mathew: yes come in. *he looks at the others* welcome

All: thank you *they follow you inside*

Y/n: here is the interior

All: wow

Fernando: y/n your back

Y/n: hello boss meet my family

Fernando: hello welcome I'm Fernando

All: hello *they all say their names*

Y/n: they also have powers

Fernando: you all have powers too?

All: yes

Fernando: wow well y/n give them a tour I'll be in my office

Y/n: yes boss

*you give them a whole tour of the house and take them to your room*

Y/n: this is my room

Allison: wow y/n you living the life

Y/n: he takes care of me like if I was his daughter but since I have abilities I'm treated well but I stay up all night to watch over the house and sleep through the day at times

Ben: you need to get some rest *he hugs you*

Five: hands off ben

Ben: *hugs you tighter*

Y/n: *you hug him tighter* I love you

Five: *he gets in between you guys*

Y/n: really five ben is just like my brother *you laugh and kiss him*

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