Episode 28 Back to Work

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Y/n: did he just *you wipe your lips and go back singing*

Kim: so

Five: we're going on date later on I invited y/n if that's ok

Kim: that's fine I'll go home *she gets ready and leaves*

Y/n: *you continue singing*

Five: *he goes to your room* turn it down

Y/n: *getting ready* no

Five: where are you going

Y/n: to fight a bitch.

Five: what?

Y/n: I got a call from someone that a man is disrespecting a woman. I don't tolerate shit like that *grabbing your hair*

Five: who?

Y/n: doesn't matter *you put lip gloss on*

Five: I'll go with you

Y/n: I got it *you grab your black leather jacket and leave*

Five: *he follows you without you noticing*

*you go to kfc where the rude customer is*

Anna: y/n you're here

Y/n: where is he

Anna: inside he's threatening Jenna

Y/n: Jenna?!

Anna: yes hurry

Y/n: *you burst in* now where is he

Five: *gets there*

Anna: sorry no one is allowed inside at the moment *scared*

Five: what's going on

Anna: *tells him* customers will have to wait

Five: I need to help y/n

Anna: wait you know her?

Five: yes now let me in

guy: who are you

Y/n: I see you are being disrespectful to a girl

Guy: well she can't get my damn fucking order right!

Y/n: *you grab him by the collar* you don't ever disrespect a woman you understand

Guy 1: fuck off you bitch *he hits you in the face*

Jenna: omg y/n

Five: *sees and goes inside* what the hell is your problem man

Guy: what are you gonna do little boy

Five: *punches him*

Guy: *takes out a gun* stay away

Jenna: omg y/n

Five: *puts you behind him* stay here

Y/n: *you push five out of the way and kick the gun out of his hand*

Guy: wtf

Y/n: you messed with the wrong bitch *you punch him hard making him fall*

Anna: that's my bestie

Y/n: *you grab him by the collar as your eyes turn white* you better not disrespect a woman ever again you heard me

Guy: y yes *scared* you freak *he runs out*

Y/n: *your eyes go back to normal and look at them* you ok Jenna?

Jenna: y yes thank you *she hugs you*

Anna: *she hugs you* you're bleeding from your lip a lot

Y/n: it's nothing *you wipe it*

Jenna: not let me get you ice

Y/n: I'm fine and tell boss I'm coming by tomorrow I'm gonna start working again

Jenna: really

Y/n: yes

Five: let's go home y/n and take care of your lip

Anna: you're so handsome

Five: thank you y/n let's go

Y/n: *you hug them* I'll see you girls around

Anna: bye

Y/n: bye

*you both go home and you go to your room and sit on your chair in front of the mirror*

Y/n: *you clean your lip* oww that hurts

Five: *comes to your room with a bag ice* put this on your lip

Y/n: I'll be fine *cleaning it*

Five: now!

Y/n: jeez *you grab the bag of ice and ice it*

Five: you have a busted lip it'll get better

Y/n: mhm

Five: you're going back to work?

Y/n: yes I need to earn money

Five: but we have money here

Y/n: I don't take other people's money

Five: what did you to scare the guy?

Y/n: *you look at five and and your eyes turn white* this

Five: holy shit

Y/n: *your eyes go back to normal* I'm going back just in case the same thing happens again

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