Episode 7 Powers

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Y/n: no one is stopping you

Five: better be careful *he teleports downstairs*

Allison: where did he go?

Diego: home let's stay longer there's nobody here besides the guy with an injured leg

Y/n pov: is there a phone anywhere *you start looking around sitting*

Five: *makes his coffee and finishes* time for some fun *he teleports upstairs*

Y/n: how long psycho

Five: don't worry about it let's have some fun

Y/n: what fun

Five: I'm pretty sure you know *he smirks*

Y/n: I don't

Five: really I'll show you *he begins to kiss your neck*

Y/n: what are you doing *moaning softly*

Five: just having fun but that's enough *he kisses you*

Y/n: don't do that

Five: I have to go

Y/n: where you aren't leaving me here

Five: on a killing spree *he teleports to the commission*

Y/n: dammit I'm cold

Klaus: we should go to a different bar

Diego: yeah *drunk*

Allison: I'm going home y'all can leave *she gets up and walks out*

Klaus: party pooper

*allison heads home and the rest go to a different bar*

Allison: *goes inside* I'm home five

Y/n: Allison? Allison!!

Allison: y/n *she runs upstairs and goes in fives room*

Y/n: he tied me up again

Allison: gosh with this child *she unties you*

Y/n: *you get up and hug her* thank you allison

Allison: we need to keep you somewhere he won't find you

Y/n: where

Five: *teleports inside his room* I'm ba- allison again

Y/n: is that b blood?

Allison: five let her go jeez

Y/n: *you hide behind allison*

Five: fine I'll let her go but not so easy

Allison: what are you gonna do

Five: none of your business

Allison: she can stay in the extra room but not here

Y/n: where is that

Allison: at the end of the hallway

Five: fine

Y/n: *you run to the room and lock yourself in*

Allison: *walks away*

Y/n: *you go to the bathroom* I need to wash my face *you wash your face and look into the mirror and your eyes are white* ahhhh

Allison: y/n are you ok *she runs to the bathroom*

Y/n: *you open the door* Allison

Allison: *sees your eyes* oh my gosh *she goes inside the bathroom with you*

Y/n: Allison what is this

Allison: y/n I think you have p powers

Y/n: powers?!

Allison: yes but don't freak out ok don't tell anybody just relax and they go back to normal

Y/n: ok *you breath in and breath out and they go back to normal*

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