Episode 45 New Mission

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Allison: it must of been y/n

Diego: she sounded too old to be y/n

Luther: he can't be ch-

Allison: don't even say it Luther. It must be a friend

Diego: well it seems like she wants something from him he doesn't seem too happy

Klaus : probably an enemy that child is a big meanie

Allison: well we will have to investigate it ourselves. Where is he?

Diego: he left in a rush after the call


Y/n: where are the rest of the men

Ryan: standing outside the exits just in case the person who started it is going around

Y/n: do you know anybody who doesn't get along with him

Ryan: he's loved by everyone from all over the world

Y/n: I wouldn't be so sure about it just look what happened

Ryan: I know or maybe he hasn't mentioned anything

Y/n: or you're right he's loved but it must be someone else who you don't know or he barely knows

Five POV

Five: I'm here

Handler: that was quick you must really love her

Five: what do you want

Handler: I want you to go on a mission

Five: what kind of mission

Handler: kill this man *she holds up a picture*

Five: *his eyes widen a bit* I I can't

Handler: why not unless you want your precious family and that girl to go bye bye

Five: fine I'll do it *in his mind (sorry y/n)*

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