Episode 51 The Girl

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Five: what do you mean 'the girl'?

Handler: you know exactly who I'm talking about

Five: my girlfriend?

Handler: bingo

Five: you are not touching her we made a deal!

Handler: well change of plans it's either the girl or your family

*you get off his lap and walk behind her*

Y/n: *you appear* I'm already here

Handler: oh my goodness*she turns around* you?

Y/n: me

Handler: what are you doing here? How did you get here?

Five: y/n

Y/n: I see you want me

Handler: ahh so you heard everything?

Y/n: yes

Handler: good now you made fives live easier

Five: y/n what are you doing

Y/n: what I should of done a long time ago  *you wrap your hands around her throat and start choking her*

Handler: *struggling to breathe* let me go

Five: y/n *he gets up quickly and rushes towards you*

Y/n: you deserve this *your eyes start turning dark blue*

*the whole building starts shaking and five tries to stop you*

Handler: *turning red* stop...it

Five: y/n please I'll take care of it

*you hear the screams of everyone running out as the building starts collapsing*

Five: princess we have to go!

Y/n: any last words

Handler: yes *she stabs you with a pencil*

Y/n: ahh *you remove a hand*

Five: *grabs a pencil and stabs the handler in the stomach*

Handler: ahh you little boy

*the building starts collapsing more and you push her making a run for it with five*

Y/n: never knew pencils would hurt

Five: my thoughts exactly

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