Episode 35 Job Buddies

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Five: *goes to your room and the men stop him* I'm gonna see her inside

Boys: boss there's a visitor

Fernando: excuse me y/n *he gets up and goes to the door to see five* hello who are you

Five: I'm here to see my girlfriend

Y/n: *you hear fives voice* five?

Fernando: girlfriend?

Five: y/n I know she's in there let me I need to see her

Fernando: ms y/n your boyfriend is here to see you

Y/n: my boyfriend?

Fernando: yes

Y/n: oh may you let him in please

Fernando: yes. You can come in but if you try and hurt her well will hurt you

Five: ok thank you *he goes inside and gives you a kiss*

Fernando: ms y/n we will be right outside if you need me call me in

Y/n: thank you

Fernando: *he walks out*

Y/n: did you really have to do that *wiping your mouth*

Five: yes and I'll do it again *he kisses you slowly*

Y/n: *you kiss back* now let me eat

Five: *he sits beside you looking at you*

Y/n: *you see him* you want some

Five: no

Y/n: ok *you continue eating*

Five: I love you y/n

Y/n: *you start choking on the food*

Five: are you ok

Y/n: I'm fine I need water

Five: *hands you the water bottle*

Y/n: thanks *you open it and drink water*

Five: when will you return home

Y/n: I'm gonna live with the guy and move in back to my apartment I'm still paying rent

Five: into your old apartment?

Y/n: yes

Five: why?

Y/n: because that's my home and you kidnapped me

Five: I'm sorry I kidnapped you I just wanted you to myself

Y/n: and you still do

Five: it's time to let go I'm leaving *he gets up and walks to the door*

Y/n: *in your mind (I should do it now* I love you five

Five: *stops and looks at you* what did you say

Y/n: I said I love you five

Five: do you really mean it

Y/n: *nervous* y yes *in your mind (I did it finally)*

Five: *looks at you* I uh have to go I'll be back *he smiles and leaves*

Y/n: this asshole really gonna leave when I confess my feelings that's it. Boss!

Fernando: *comes in* yes you can call me Fernando

Y/n: let's leave

Fernando: are you sure?

Y/n: yes it'll heal fast i wanna leave and pack my bags

Fernando: boys help her up now

Boys: yes boss *they pick you up gently and sit you on a wheelchair*

Y/n: thank you guys just call me y/n. Let's go

Boys: ok y/n *they take you out*

*a couple minutes later you get inside the car and go to the academy*

Five pov: I'm so stupid I just left her when she confessed shit *he goes back to the room and sees it empty*

Fernando: we're here boys go help get her stuff

Y/n: I got it just accompany me *you get your crutches and start walking*

Boy 1: y/n I can carry you and Joseph takes the crutches

Y/n: ok thanks *you hop into his arms and Joseph carries the crutches*

Y/n: just open the door

Boy 1: ok *he opens the door*

Allison: *sees you* y/n?!

Y/n: hi Allison meet Joseph and

Boy 1: Mathew

Y/n: Mathew

Allison: hi I'm allison. what happened to your leg?!

Y/n: I got shot by the way I'm moving out I have a job to be at and I'm gonna sleep at the persons house

Diego: who are you guys *he throws a knife*

Y/n: *you catch it* not nice diego Joseph can you give my crutches please

Joseph: yes

Y/n: thanks Mathew put me down please

Mathew: ok *he puts you down and you hold the crutches*

Y/n: Mathew and Joseph and the others this is my family they all have powers like me but I have more

Allison: hi I'm allison I can rumor people

Klaus: im klaus I see the dead and communicate with me

Ben: I'm ben I have the ability to release tentacles from my stomach

Diego: I'm diego I control knives

Luther: I'm Luther I have super strength

Y/n: thanks for the intro I have to go *you walk to the staircase*

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