Episode 52 I quit

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Y/n: which way?

Five: I'm teleporting us to the academy to get you treated

Y/n: five it's just a pencil stab nothing much

Five: I don't care y/n I want you to be treated and taken care of ok since I failed to do that *he kisses your forehead*

Y/n: babe I'm ok

Five: *he sighs in defeat* lets go home *he picks you up quickly and teleports*

Allison: five there you are!! And y/n?

Five: take care of her pencil stab Allison please

Allison: pencil stab

Five: long story

Ben: hey fi- y/n!! *he runs up to you and gives you a big hug*

Y/n: bennn *you quickly wrap your arms around him* I missed you

Ben: I missed you way more

Y/n: *you felt a sting* ow sorry my stomach

Ben: you ok?

Y/n: yeah just got stabbed by a pencil nothing much *you giggle*

Ben: how?

Y/n: uh long story

Allison: y/n have a seat here I'll get you cleaned up

Y/n: thank you *you sit on the couch*

Five: *sits besides you and pulls you into his lap* I'm glad you're home *he smiles*

Y/n: and I'll be staying here now

Five: what?

Y/n: I really love Fernando and Ryan but I can't continue working there

Five: so you are coming back to the academy?

Y/n: yes I made my decision I'm gonna talk to Fernando after this

Five: *he leans in and kisses you* I'm happy to hear that

Allison: alright you two *she giggles* lets get you cleaned up

*she cleans up around the small wound and puts a small cloth on it*

Y/n: thank you Allison *you give her a hug*

Allison: of course *she smiles*

Y/n: well I have to go talk o my boss about something and I'll be back *you give them a small smile*

Allison: we will be here *she smiles*

Y/n: I'll be back ok *you give five a kiss and teleport*

*at the mansion*

Ryan: where is she?

Fernando: I'm not sure

Y/n: I'm here

Ryan: y/n *he smiles*

Y/n: how are you *you walk up to him and kiss his forehead*

Ryan: better although it just happened today *he chuckles*

Y/n: I'm glad to hear you're ok

Fernando: where did you go?

Y/n: I uh had to take care of some business and boss can we talk privately

Fernando: sure

*you both walk outside to the patio*

Y/n: so I made a decision on something

Fernando: a decision?

Y/n: yes and I really don't wanna do this but I'm quitting

Fernando: quitting? Is everything alright y/n?

Y/n: yes but I think it's time for me to go

Fernando: as much as I want you to stay back I just wanna say thank you for everything you have done y/n. You have protected Ryan, me and all my men. I want to give grant you a gift before you leave

Y/n: oh that won't be necessary it's ok i really enjoyed working here

Fernando: I mean it y/n. One week vacation to Hawaii everything paid for. You and your siblings can enjoy

Y/n: wait really?!

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