Episode 36 Yes

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Allison: who are they? *whispering*

Ben: *whispers* their boss is a mafia. She got shot kinda of because of him men went looking for him and she helped him now he wants her to help him

Y/n: can you help me Mathew

Mathew: yes *he picks you up carefully*

Y/n: at the end of the hall to the left

Mathew: come on boys

Y/n: can you guys go downstairs I need some privacy please

Mathew: yes let's go boys *they go downstairs*

Five: *teleports inside* is y/n here?!

Allison: she's in her room

Five: *he teleports upstairs and sees you packing* y/n

Y/n: what *putting your clothes in a suitcase*

Five: I'm sorry

Y/n: for what? Me confessing how I feel about and you just leave

Five: *hugs you from behind* I'm sorry y/n

Y/n: let go I have a place to be at

Five: let me help you. You look like you can barely stand

Y/n: I'll be fine

Five: *turns you around facing him* y/n

Y/n: what

Five: *starts kissing you*

Y/n: *you start kissing back* ok mr. assassin I have to go

Five: *hugs you* I'm sorry for everything

Y/n: since when are you so soft you went from kidnapping scary assassin to a softie

Five: I've changed y/n I know we didn't have a great start so I would like to try again

Y/n: I see *you continue*

Five: *helping you* y/n

Y/n: what *you finish and look at him*

Five: *he kisses you* will you be my girlfriend?

Y/n: huh

Five: yes or no?

Y/n: yes *you kiss him* I miss the old five but this works

Five: the old five?

Y/n: yes *playing with his hair* I have to go. Mathew!!

Mathew: *runs over quickly with the boys* whats up y/n

Y/n: can you help me please

Mathew: yes. Boys help carry the stuff

Joseph: yes come on boys

*the boys take your stuff to the car*

Mathew: ready

Y/n: sorry can you step out for a sec

Mathew: yeah *he steps out*

Y/n: I'll see you on Saturday *you kiss him*

Five: *he kisses you back* be careful

Y/n: I will. Mathew come in

Mathew: ready

Y/n: yes

Mathew: *picks you up slowly*

Y/n: thanks

Five: *jealous* I can carry her

Y/n: Mathew continue goodbye five

Five: y/n

Y/n: hurry Mathew

Mathew: ok *he takes you to the car*

Fernando: ready

Y/n: yes

*you guys drive off and get to his house*

Y/n: wow it's huge

Fernando: you can start when you're all set

Y/n: ok

*they give you a tour around the place in a wheelchair and you meet a handsome guy*

Ryan: hello who's this uncle

Fernando: this y/n with her special abilities she can protect us

Ryan: hello y/n I'm Ryan

Y/n: hello nice to meet you

Fernando: show her the room

Y/n: would I be staying with the rest of them

Fernando: with your special ability I need you somewhere safe

Y/n: ok

*Time jump: it's been 1 month and half and your leg has healed*

Y/n: boss I'm going to the academy

Fernando: ok y/n bring your family over for dinner

Y/n: yes boss *you teleport to the academy*

Ben: y/n *he gives you a big hug* I missed you

Y/n: hey brother *you hug him tight* I missed you more

Five: y/n *he goes up to you and hugs you*

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