Episode 8 Phone

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Allison: you can't tell anyone ok

Y/n: I won't sorry I called you guys freaks i was just scared

Allison: it's alright but I will help you get out of here

Y/n: thank you

Five: *knocking on the door* what are you two doing in there?!

Y/n: *you walk out* nothing

Allison: good talking to you *she leaves*

Five: *starts walking towards* you better not be planning to escape

Y/n: *walking backwards* just leave me alone

Five: don't be scared

Y/n: you're a murderer who did you harm

Five: it's all part of my job

Y/n: what job

Five: that's not important

Y/n: ok then I'm going to my room

Five: I'm gonna shower move

Y/n: jeez *you leave the bathroom and go to your room*

Klaus pov: let's go home

Luther: not yet!!

Ben: I'll wait for you guys *not drunk*

Vanya: come on ben have some fun

Ben: nope

Y/n POV: I can't believe I actually have powers

Five: *gets out of the shower and changes then goes to your room* are you still here

Y/n: where else am I gonna go I'm technically locked up

Five: you'll have everything you need here

Y/n: I need to go to work

Five: I called in for you and said you were sick

Y/n: you what?!

Five: I got it under control

Y/n: I'll give you what you want as a return of letting me go

Five: like I said I want you the day I laid eyes on you I knew you were the one.

Y/n: weirdo

Five: goodnight *he walks away*

Y/n: I'm sleeping with this dress great but let's test out my powers *you look into the mirror and concentrate*

Klaus: *bursting in* we're home!

Y/n: shit *you get distracted*

Klaus: where is the pretty girl

Ben: you guys definitely aren't drinking anymore

Diego: you shush haha

Y/n: wait my phone is the basement *you sneak out the room and go to the basement* here it is

Klaus: I'm going to bed goodnight *he leaves*

Vanya: me too *she leaves*

Diego: I'm gonna get more drinks *he goes to the basement and see you* oh hi y/n

Y/n: hi diego

Diego: are you planning to escape

Y/n: n no I just came to uh get my clothes

Diego: is that a phone? I'm gonna tell five

Y/n: wait what

Diego: *yelling* five y/n is trying to run away

Y/n: diego! *you cover his mouth*

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