Episode 50 The Handler

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Y/n: uh sorry to interrupt boss I'm heading out

Fernando: where?

Y/b: the find the person who caught this

Fernando: but -

Ryan: y/n you can't you'll get hurt please

Y/n: *you walk over to Ryan and stand beside him holding his hand* it's ok Ryan I need to get to the bottom of this you got hurt

Ryan: I'll be fine please don't go

Y/b: I'll be back before you know it *you kiss his cheek and look at Fernando*

Fernando: are you going with him?

Y/n: yes

Fernando: *he sighs* please be careful take some men

Y/n: of course and don't worry boss I got it *you nod and walk back with five*

Five: are you sure about this?

Y/n: yes let's go

*you guys teleport to the commission*

Five: stay close to me ok

Y/n: ok

*he takes you to a private room*

Five: I need you stay here there is no cameras here and people don't come here that often

Y/n: I can turn invisible five I can walk beside you

Five: ok fine come on

Y/n: ok *you turn invisible*

Five: here goes nothing *he leaves the room with you behind him*

Handler: hello five

Five: *stops and turns around* I'm back

Handler: where is he

Five: dead

Handler: good job five I'm proud of you follow me

Five: ok *follows her*

*you both follow her to the office*

Handler: have a seat

Five: *sits down*

Y/n: *you whisper into fives ear* where do I sit

Five: *he pays his lap*

Y/n: really five *you roll your eyes and sit on his lap*

Handler: so five you saved your family but there's something missing

Five: like what

Handler: the girl

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