Episode 13 Beer Pong

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Y/n: yeah

Ben: so what power or powers do you have?

Y/n: idk I only can do this one

Ben: we can train sometime there's a training room well technically you're my sister now

Y/n: and you're my brother

Random guy: hey my friends and I were wondering if you wanna play beer pong

Y/n: sure wanna play Ben

Ben: I'll watch

Y/n: ok come on *you grab Ben and take him to where they're playing*

Freddy: hi I'm Freddy this is Anthony, Jose, Gabriel and Henry

Y/n: hey guys

All: hey!

Y/n: so who goes first

Henry: I'll challenge you

Y/n: alright

*you two play and you win*

Freddy: damn bro

*you play with all of them and you win but your get drunk*

Y/n: that was so fun *laughing*

Freddy: right! *drunk*

Henry: I dare you guys to makeout

Y/n: us two ok bet

Freddy: come here

Y/n: *you grab his face and start making out with him*

Ben: oh jeez *he covers his eyes*

Freddy: *grabs you by the waist*

Jose: yuh get into it

Klaus: well you look at that

Five: what *he turns around and sees both of you guys*

Klaus: damn they're like eating each other out

Y/n: *you pull away* great kisser

Freddy: you too

Five: *walks up you guys* hey guys

Y/n: what do you want

Five: you've had too much to drink come with me

Y/n: no I haven't *you look at Freddy and start laughing*

Jose: *starts laughing* I can't with y'all

Five: y/n now!

Y/n: *you go up to him* you aren't my boyfriend to be controlling me

The boys: oooo

Five: don't make me do this the hard way

Y/n: ooo I'm so scared

Five: that's it *he throws you over his shoulder and takes you upstairs*

Y/n: let me go five I'm having fun!

Five: *takes you to your room* stay here and go to sleep it's late

Y/n: I'm fine I'm ok

Five: you were literally making out with someone after we just had sex

Y/n: ok I'm drunk they dared us two but let me have fun *you get up from your bed* out of my way

Five: *he pins you to the wall* listen be a good girl and stay here

Y/n: you aren't my boyfriend ok I can be with them

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