Episode 31 Chris

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Both: yes

Kim: hey y/n you're  single right?

Y/n: yes why

Kim: I know this really cool guy super sweet he's 2w and he's single looking for a girlfriend

Y/n: *trying to make five jealous* oh really so tell me about him

Kim: he's tall, handsome, blue eyes and rich. He's a business man

Y/n: interesting I would like to meet him

Five: *jealous* we're here *he gets out and opens the door for Kim but not you*

Y/n: *you open the door on your own* ready

Kim: wait y/n what if I call him over so it can be a double date

Y/n: sure *you smile*

Kim: is that ok with you five?

Five: yeah that's fine *he looks at you upset*

Y/n: *you roll your eyes at him*

Kim: I'm gonna call him *she walks ahead*

Five: *grabs your arm and whispers in your ear* don't roll your eyes again

Y/n: *you break loose and flip him off* what are you gonna do about that *you walk away*

Five: *mad and goes with you and kim*

Kim: he's coming!

Y/n: cool *you smile* let's go inside

*you guys sit and 10 minutes later he walks in*

Kim: that's him! Chris over here

Chris: oh *he goes up to you guys and sits* sorry I'm late I'm Chris Romero

Y/n: hello Chris I'm y/n hargreeves pleasure to meet you

Five: hello Chris I'm five hargreeves

Chris: hello you two are siblings?

Y/n: no we are adopted so not quite

Chris: oh I interesting dinner is on me

Kim: oh Chris you are so sweet

Y/n: thank you *you look at him and smile and look back*

*the waiter comes and takes the order and walks away*

Y/n: *you look at Chris* I love your eyes

Chris: thank you and you are very beautiful

Y/n: thank you *you smile*

Five: so Chris tell us about yourself

Chris: well I'm 23 I am a businessman and I love to travel a lot

Y/n: where have you been

Chris: basically all over the world *he laughs* it's amazing out there

Y/n: I bet *you smile*

Chris: have you ever traveled

Y/n: oh no I don't have the money for that *you laugh*

Chris: maybe one day we can go to a trip I'd love to take you

Y/n: that's very kind of you but I feel bad doing that

Chris: why?

Y/n: I feel bad accepting kind things from others

Chris: don't feel bad *he smiles*

Kim: I ship you too

Y/n: you think so *you look at him*

Five: *kicks your foot under the table*

Y/n: *you make a face* ouch

Chris: are you all right?

Y/n: yeah I hit myself in the table *you give five a a death stare*

Chris: oh I hope you feel better

Y/n: thanks

Waiter: hello I'm back with the drinks *he puts them down*

Y/n: thank you

Waiter: of course *he sets them down* I'll be back with the food in a few *he smiles and walks away*

Five: so how's your love life?

Y/n: *you kick five* that's not something nice to ask you don't have to answer

Five: *gives you a death stare*

Chris: it's alright I actually am single at the moment I've only had one girlfriend

Y/n: how did that go not that I want to be Nosy

Chris: she used me for money and once I ran out she left me after I because successful and she wanted be back and I rejected her

Y/n: oh sorry to hear that *you sip your drink*

Chris: it's alright it happens *he sips his drink*

Y/n: I never found it very amusing when girls do that

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