Episode 43 Food

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Ryan: let's go get you something to eat and take you home to rest

Y/n: I can't leave boss here I'm his guard

Ryan: you almost got killed

Y/n: but I used my powers

Ryan: look y/n you need to rest you look tired and pale

Y/n: fine I won't argue with you

Ryan: good I know a good place in Rome

*you guys wait for the driver and after you guys get in and head to a restaurant*

Y/n: I want something small I'm too tired to talk

Ryan: see told ya *he lets out a small giggle*

*you guys order*

Ryan: so the people you brought over are your siblings and they have powers?

Y/n: they're all adopted then they found me and yes but they only have one I have many

Ryan: what powers do you have?

Y/n: so far I know a couple but I can rumor people, teleport, I can create power waves and lift objects up. My eyes turn white and dark blue.

Ryan: wow

Y/n: yeah

*you guys get your food*

Ryan: I hope you like it

Y/n: thanks *you start eating*

Ryan: *starts eating*

Y/n: it's really good

Ryan: told you

Y/n: thanks

Ryan: of course but thank you for saving my uncle and risking yourself

Y/n: it's what I do *you smile and continue eating*

Ryan: I'm really thankful my uncle found you or who knows what

Y/n: never thought I'd see a big mafia boss in KFC

Ryan: *he chuckles* he's like that place for a while

Y/n: I bet

Ryan: you are one bad bitch y/n

Y/n: *you laugh* you think so?

Ryan: hell yeah you know my friend Hailey right?

Y/n: yeah

Ryan: she's scared of you

Y/n: omg why

Ryan: she's knows you have powers and your family does too

Y/n: I'm not gonna do anything to her *you giggle* no reason to be afraid I like her she's pretty and nice

Ryan: I had the biggest crush on her

Y/n: aww what happened

Ryan: she liked someone else so it was time to get over it but I never told her

Y/n: I see well you got over her that's good now you can look for someone else

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