Episode 30 Ready Ladies

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Bryan: oh nice well it's was nice meeting you y/n I have to get back to work

Y/n: likewise

*After a couple hours of work you get home 2 hours early*

Y/n: I'm home! So tired

Ben: hey sis you look tired

Y/n: I am I'm gonna go nap *you teleport to your room and lay down* I really needed this

Ben: *comes up holding a cup of water and fruit with chili, lemon and salt* y/n

Y/n: *you look over at the door* hey Ben come in

Ben: I brought you fruit the way you like it and water

Y/n: aww thank you *you sit up*

Ben: of course *he sits beside you*

Klaus: *walks in* can I join *lays down on your bed*

Y/n: sure *you look at ben and laugh*

Five: *hears laughing from your room and goes over*

Klaus: I think y/n needs something

Y/n: like what

Ben: *looks at klaus and nods* go

Both: *they start tickling you*

Y/n: omg stop *laughing really hard*

Five: I see you're back

Both: *they stop and clear their throat*

Y/n: yeah now get out

Klaus: feisty! Five she's coming for you *he gets up and walks away winking at five*

Ben: well I should get going *he smiles and leaves*

Y/n: *you rest your head on the pillow looking away from five*

Five: how's your lip

Y/n: it's better

Five: *closes the door and lays down beside you putting his arms around your waist* and work

Y/n: *you wanted to get him off but didn't do it* it was fun I met a new worker

Five: nice boy or girl

Y/n: boy

Five: oh how come you aren't pushing me off

Y/n: I'm too tired to even move

Five: do you still wanna go to the date with me and Kim

Y/n: sure Ill go I'm just gonna nap for an hour

Five: I'll nap with you *he pulls you in closer*

Y/n: *in your mind (since when is he so nice)*  ok

*you guys nap for an hour and five wakes up and sees your face very close to his*

Five: *he kisses you*

Y/n: *you wake up to a kiss*

Five: *he kisses you again*

Y/n: *you kiss back* what are you doing

Five: I saw you up close and wanted to give you a kiss

Y/n: oh we should get ready

Five: yeah but let me do this *he kisses you again turning it into a makeout session*

Y/n: *you continue and sit in his lap*

Five: we can continue this later let's go to the date

Y/n: that's it for today *you get off and pick an outfit*

Five: so you were just teasing *walks up behind you*

Y/n: *you turn around* not exactly now I need to shower

Five: ok *he walks out*

Y/n: *you walk to bathroom and take a shower and head back* ok this is the one *you change*

Five: you ready?

Y/n: yes *you walk out*

Five: wow *he looks you up and down*

Y/n: let's go you don't wanna pick up your date late *you smile and walk away*

Five: *rolls his eyes* wait

*you guys go to the car you sit in the back*

Five: come to the front

Y/n: you should know this by now the date goes in the front

Five: y/n can you stop with that!

Y/n: with what tell me what's bothering you

Five: you talking about the date this the date that

Y/n: well you invited me to this mess I'm leaving *you reach out to open the door*

Five: *locks it* stay here

Y/n: open it five unlock it!

Five: nope you are coming with me *he starts the car*

*five is on the way to pick up Kimberly and there's silence*

Kimberly: *waiting outside*

Five: here we are *he gets off and opens the door for her*

Kimberly: hey *she sits inside* hi y/n

Y/n: hi Kim

Five: *gets back in* ready ladies

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