Episode 38 Dinner

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Five: *he kisses you*

*theres a knock*

Ryan: y/n are you in there?

Y/n: oh *you run over to the door and open it* hey Ryan meet my family come in

Ryan: *walks in* hello everyone I'm Ryan y/ns friend and nephew of her boss

Y/n: *you see a girl* hey come in if you'd like

Hailey: thank you *she walks in*

Ryan: oh this is my friend hailey we've been friends for a long time

Hailey: hello everyone

Y/n: right so this is Luther, Allison, five, diego, ben, klaus and vanya.

Ryan: hello *he shakes hands with them*

Hailey: *in her mind (number five is so cute)*

Y/n: *you read her mind and whisper* holy shit I can do that

Ryan: well we will step out and see you guys in a bit *he looks at you smiling and leaves with hailey*

Y/n: *you smile* we should uh start getting ready

Five: yeah

Fernando: *knocks* y/n

Y/n: *you run to the door and open it* yes boss

Fernando: there's a spare room for the boys to change

Y/n: oh thank you boss guys come here

Fernando: it's right ahead to the left

Y/n: ok thank you guys follow me

*they follow you to the room*

Y/n: this room is for you guys to get ready I'll see you guys

Five: thank you *he grabs you by the waist and kisses you*

Y/n: I'll see you later *you kiss him*

Five: ok *he smiles and goes inside*

Y/n: *you go back to the room* hey I'm back

Vanya: hey allison is in the shower

Y/n: oh ok I'm gonna pick out an outfit

Vanya: ok

Y/n: *you look through your drawer and find an outfit* perfect

Y/n: *you look through your drawer and find an outfit* perfect

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Allison: hey I'm finished

Y/n: wow you look great!

Vanya: y/n go ahead

Y/n: no no go ahead you're the guest

Vanya: thank you *she goes in and gets in the shower*

Y/n: I'm pretty sure the boys are ready meet me downstairs Allison you are my guest haha

Allison: sure thing *she walks out*

Luther: wow Allison you look amazing

Allison: thank you Luther

Diego: where is vanya and y/n

Allison: vanya is showering I think she's almost done y/n still has to shower and get ready she'll meet us downstairs

Diego: ok we should go but I'm lost

Fernando: follow me I'll take you

Allison: thank you

*they go downstairs and vanya catches up*

Fernando: have a seat y/n will be here shortly

All: thank you *they all sit down*

*five minutes later*

Y/n: I hope I'm not too late

Five: wow *he looks at you in amazement*

Ryan: you are just in time you look stunning

Y/n: thank you *you sit by five*

Maid: *walks in and puts the food down and serves everyone*

Hailey: so five are you looking for someone I thought you were really cute

Y/n: *you get jealous*

Five: oh no I have a girlfriend

Hailey: oh...

Ryan: *clear his throat* um so tell us about yourselves *he smiles*

Five: we all share the same birthdays even though we're adopted

Y/n: yup

Ryan: that's cool! Y/n you are one special one

Y/n: sure am *you smile*

Fernando: so you all have powers

Allison: yes

Five: *he gives a breakdown of all of them including their number*

Y/n: and I'm number 8 with mostly all their powers and extras I'm still figuring some out

Hailey: wait you guys are the famous hargreeves?!

Y/n: they are i was never in the picture

Ryan: how did you find them or they found you?

Y/n: uh

Five: I met her at the coffee shop

Ryan: oh cool *he looks at you and smiles*

Y/n: *you look down and nod smiling*

Five: *gets jealous and puts his hand on your thigh*

Y/n: *you look at him*

Five: *he looks at you and looks back and starts rubbing his hand on your inner thigh*

Fernando: let's eat *he smiles*

Y/n: *you put your hand on fives to make it stop*

Hailey: *looks at five biting her lip*

Five: *looks at her and smiles*

Y/n: *you get jealous and throw fives hand of your thigh then start eating*

Ben: wow this is amazing

Fernando: is that so

Ben: yes

Fernando: that's good to hear *he smiles*

Luther: so how did you meet y/n

Fernando: she saved my life I'm very grateful I saw her potential and I brought her here to protect me she's like a daughter to me

Y/n: *you smile*

Fernando: I lost my wife when she was giving birth as well as my baby girl

Luther: wow I'm so sorry to hear that

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