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You stood next to your sister as you both stared out the window of the room you were in.. The sun was setting and the buildings started to glow with nightlife. You both wore black dresses, hair done up, and the usual makeup. Jar Jar walked over to you and Padmé. 

"Yousa tinking Sousa people ganna die?" he quietly asked you both. 

"We don't know." Padmé answered as you both stared straight ahead. You both were worried and stressed for your people and Naboo. 

"Gungan get pasted too, eh?" 

"We hope not." you answered this time. You wish Anakin was here with you and help you through this. It was weird to not talk to him and spend time with him like you guys did on Tatooine. You felt awful and for blocking him off from your Force connection and extremely exhausted from the constant concentration of blocking it. 

"Gungans no dyin' without a fight." Jar Jar said with determination in his voice. "Wesa warriors. Wesa got a grand army. Dat's why you no liken us, mesa thinks." 

Both you or Padmé could respond, the Captain and Palpatine walked in. 

"Your Highnesses?" he called out as you and Padmé turned around. He smiled and bowed at you and Padmé. "Your Highnesses. Senator Palpatine has been nominated to succeed Valorum as supreme chancellor." 

"A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one." Palpatine added. You and Padmé did not show any emotion as you both walked to the other side of the room. "Your majesty, if I am elected, I promise to put an end to corruption." 

"Who else has been nominated?" Padmé asked. 

"Bail Antilles of Aleraan and Ainlee Teem of Malastare." Captain answered. 

"I feel confident our situation will create a strong sympathy vote for us. I will be chancellor." Palpatine declared. 

"I fear by the time you have control of the bureaucrats, Senator, there'll be nothing left of our people, our way of life." you retorted, being a little harsh than you meant to be. Palpatine sat down in a nearby chair as you stood where you are and Padmé paced around.  

"I understand your concern, Your Majesty." he said to you. "Unfortunately, the Federation has possession of our planet." Palpatine added as you both looked at Padmé, who had stopped pacing and rested her hands on the meeting table behind you. 

"Senator, this is your arena. I feel we must return to ours." Padmé said Palpatine realized what she was saying. You had already knew and figured what she would want to do. You wanted to return to Naboo too. 

"Go back? But, your Majesty, be realistic. They'll force you both to sign the treaty." Palpatine said as he stood up from his seat. 

"We will sign no treaty, Senator." Padmé said as she walked over to you. You both then walked over to the Captain. "Our faith will be no different than that of our people." 

"We are needed there more than we are here." you added. 

"Captain. Ready our ship." Padmé ordered as you both walked towards the ship docks, the Captain and Jar Jar following behind. 

"Please, Your Majesties, stay here where it's safe." Palpatine pleaded. You and Padmé swiftly turned around to him. 

"It's clear to us now that the Republic no longer functions. We pray you will bring sanity and compassion back to the senate." Padmé said before turning back around and walking away. 

"Do not fail us, Senator Palpatine." you said with a hint of sass at the end. He was not going to stop you and Padmé. You turned around and followed your sister out. 

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now